
Regarding burning the Tarlys. Eff em. they had 2 or 3 chances to save themselves, but were determined to go out like martyrs. Dany gave them and everyone else a chance at mercy, but its a war, she has a dragon, some mofo's are gonna get burned, and Cersei would have burned the whole group without a 2nd thought.

Wow, my heart rate went up at the end of that episode! Intense. You know Jamie will somehow survive, hopefully Bron too.

Winter is here and Brianne runs the risk of never having ridden the Giantsbane train. What a shame that would be. She deserves a good King of Bones-ing before fighting the Lannisters or the Night King.

I for one hope that Brienne and Tormund make sweet love down by the fire, with Ed Sheeren singing Barry White to them in the background. The world is going to end soon and Brienne will not have experienced the pleasure of the Tormund's Giantsbane.

DId anyone else notice the "university student union" sign on the Hooli campus? I am curious to know where they film the show.

I guess we have to disagree here, but the week of anxiety about having an STD or knocking up some random chick always far outweighed the 15 second inconvenience of slipping on the hat. I never had a problem with the sensation because they sell extra thin and all types of lubricant, and in fact it was better in my late

It was not a scientific study, only an observation and opinion. People in the 18-30 age bracket from what I see and read are having sex more often with more people than in recent history. Maybe not "ever", but I bet only the 1970's could be considered a more promiscuous era - post birth control, cultural norms of

I give Girls credit, they get the current social trends spot on. I was reading an article the other day about how in the Tinder age, nobody uses condoms! An unintended pregnancy is completely believable in this situation. Promiscuity is at an all time high, nobody wraps it up or bothers to pull out anymore, STD's are

I'm sure someone will give me serious snark or scientifically prove me wrong, but I thought Family Feud was hilarious. Leslie Jones as Samuel L. Jackson was ridiculous.

The trial by doggie of Ramsay was brutal. I was hoping for at least a partial flaying, then releasing the hounds, for maximum brutality.

Gavin going on rest and vest was fantastic. Can't wait to see how he interacts with the guys up there.

Just saw the whole season on FX this weekend. Mostly this was great viewing, you can tell they built on the momentum from Season 1, and had a bigger budget. I'd pick Season 1 as better, a 9 out of 10, but 2 was solid, an 8 out of 10. My reasons for docking its grade:
- the KC Outfit was a known entity in 1979, they

But those t!ts were fantastic, the best by far they've shown, and we got multiple views of them. I'm ok with this trade off.

It's rock music, so usually yes, guitars, drums, and melodies are what do it for me. RH has become too pretentious and lacking in anything satisfying for me, which is a shame because they really were the best in their day.

I did. There is some guitar noodling on it but mostly cymbal tapping and synths. Is that the only exciting moment on the whole record?
Scarily enough, the 1st thought that popped into my head listening to the 1st few bars of Burn the Witch was …. (shudder) Coldplay.

I am a big fan of Hail to the Thief and In Rainbows because they had cool guitars mixed in at the right time - example is "There There", watch the live version and tell me your spine doesn't tingle when Jonny's guitar comes in. From what I've heard on this album and King of Limbs, they just aren't very interested in

Alright maybe I'm being harsh on JB. There is bourbon out there that is real gut-rot, make you go blind on the bottom shelf. Take shots of that with the bros, but slowly sip the super premium PvW, preferably in a mahogany paneled room with lots of leather bound books.

I loved the concept of Cheap Trick, as a marketing concept and an inspiration to new musicians: 2 good looking guys + 2 oddball nerdy guys; it brings girls into the shows, but also the male fans see Rick Nielsen and Carlos and think, "hmm, these guys who look like my accountant uncle Ned are doing it, I can relate to

Indeed. Shots are stupid to begin with, but if you're going to do a shot, use something low end like Jim Beam. Sip the super high end stuff, preferably neat.

haha… Big Head is sitting on a cool $20M severence, plus whatever he made at Hooli/Nucleus during his meteoric rise. He doesn't have to do anything, which I suspect would suit him just fine!