Gwen Orel

No doubt your sister also has advanced degrees in her field and has published or the equivalent, too. and as you point out, the interview process usually involves sample classes,multiple meetings, etc.

What a smart reply. It just made me think of how I handle people I truly dislike and distrust. Compassion never comes into it and maybe it should.

I've lived all over the country and while NYC isn't what it was in the 70s it's still got a lot going on. When I moved home from Alabama in 2004 I was stunned by realizing I could see a famous author at a bookstore after work, not have to plan a 3-hour drive to Atlanta. I live in NJ— and you kinda sound like a bitter

I have a cloche waterproof hat. I had it in one color and lost it on the train to Vienna and thanked my lucky stars when I got homea nd the shop that carried it still had it so I bought it in brown. I get compliments every time I wear it. It is some kind of waterproof suede.

It's not that she doesn't want to, she's scared he'll find her aging body funny and that he won't love her.

"This phrase is said to derive from Oliver Cromwell's instructions to the painter Sir Peter Lely, when commissioning a portrait."

I think we're meant to see him as decent but deluded. He should have been upfront with Edith about his mad wife, but I do feel a little sorry for him since he couldnt' divorce her in England. He also could have gone right to Robert and explained the situation.

The employees wouldn't, because they need the work, but the rivals sure would.

If Denker had stopped to think for a moment, she'd know she's the replaceable one. Lady Grantham walks with a limp. She HAS to have a butler. And a cook and gardener. Even today, an old lady with a limp needs help and probably hires a gardener or lawn care service at least (microwaves have made the cook thing less

Actually, this makes sense, the dowager recalls the 60s fondly, and that's when she would have been a young deb. My own mom is 84; I know people full of beans who are 90.

And this is why people just have to accept things like this and shrug. To me, Jared. Is weird looking and basically very weird, although certainly a kind and nice person and good at what he does. T me, Richard is more normal, just a little soft spoken. But there's no real accounting for tastes. Part of it may be a

I think my comment may have gotten a little buried, but I just want to say that I love Richard. I think he's handsome, really, and his bumbling shyness mixed with wicked smarts and decency is sexy. I went to Stanford and had I met any engineers who were tall and red-haired and cute like that I'd have zipped over there

You know what. I find richard adorable, good looking, full of integrity, and sweet. I'd date him in a heartbeat except now I'm too old for him, but Ier in grad school and am still a bit of a knockout. So just because some women decree that monica liking him is not realistic does not make it true. In the real and

I am a girl who is conventionally pretty etc etc and I adore richard. He's got rare decency and sweetness and also humility and intelligence. Seriously every episode I am all oh he's so cute, I looooooove him. The assumption that people always want to date people just like themselves is bizarre. I also have seen