
The even more interesting wrinkle is: are you really a lost customer? Do you still subscribe to Prime? I do, even though I don’t watch any shows on it. For the shipping and other benefits. It’s hard to determine what a “customer” really means when it’s one membership with lots and lots of features.

This is an awesome rundown. I took a class on happiness for my pschology minor when I was in college (officially The Psychology of Well-Being) and it really changed how I thought about myself and the world around me.

There’s a lot of philosophical debate over what it actually means to “be happy,” but if you’re looking for concrete answers, it can leave you wanting. Here’s what scientific research says happiness is, and—perhaps more importantly—what it isn’t.

I’m a hard-core introvert, but I’m not shy and I have zero social anxieties. As such, an acquaintance (now largely avoided) has repeatedly told me I’m actually an extrovert. She can’t see past herself to understand that, no, spending as much time alone and in silence as I do is not only healthy for me but it’s vital

I’m introverted but not shy. I pick and choose carefully when and where I’m going to meet people. Once I’m there, I can joke with everyone, or tear up the dance floor, or make speeches to a large audience—whatever, no fear. Once it’s over though, I’m going home to sleep for 3 days because that’s how long the events

I’m an introvert. I’m also shy, socially anxious in fact. I am uncomfortable with small talk and even random greetings from people I don’t know. But I try to be polite — in terms of not being selfish and aggressive and dominant — in social settings and driving and even walking. I tend to be quiet, unless I’m really

  • Introverts get exhausted by social interaction and need solitude to recharge.

Yeah, I don’t mean to say it’s all bad news and it’s completely worthless, but I do think we tend to rely too heavily on the two binaries instead of taking a closer look at who are really are and what we need (and conversely, what others need). It IS an okay starting point, but I think too many people stop there.

While it is very grating when someone uses their personality type as an excuse for bad behavior, I still find the introvert/extrovert “nonsense” to be a useful framework— or at the very least, a starting point— for talking about, describing, and understanding myself and other people.

One of the things I found most