
I’ve actually gotten into actual arguments with people when I bring up the fact that until she was in her mid/late teens (aka 10ish years ago), Ariana was a curly haired, fair skinned person. And her ethnic background is basically straight Italian. And people bend over backwards for her, saying maybe her complexion

LOL and what countries have you traveled to where they searched your phone or social media history? Go on, and be specific.

And it’s unbelievable how well it works, and continues to work, for their base. They literally get into a frothed mouth frenzy over her even existing because she has been targeted as the enemy. 

Uhhh, there is literally no way break ins happen more, or would happen more, because people think that everyone keeps a $20 bill in their car. People are looking for easily sellable high value items. Phones left in cars. Tables, laptops (or laptop bags) etc. People are trying to maximize their risk vs reward, and $2o

Holy shit. Conservatives obsession with AOC is borderline terrifying. I dare people to wade into the comments on that twitter thread. Dare you. 

LOL you didn’t actually refute any of their points. And you didn’t list anything valuable about it. So I will assume you commented at first to do nothing but troll. So well done, and go fuck yourself.


Holy craaaaap, the lady in the yellow jumpsuit was the little girl from her video back in the day?? Thats amazing.

“As a journalism organization, championing the fair and accurate treatment of Hispanics, Latinos in newsrooms and news coverage – we cannot allow others to ‘shelf’ lies under the pretext of exercising their First Amendment right,” NAHJ President Hugo Balta said in a statement.


You seem like you really fucking as a person in general.


Hahahahahahahah. Shut the fuck up.


Former HVAC workere here, that is waaaaay off. As other have suggested, have a reputable professional come in and check your system. I’ve lived in Florida my whole life where people run their ACs year round who don’t come close to averaging that. 

So, you’re saying that Spawn is as worthless/irrelevant as Star Wars? Or just the prequels? Jar Jar Binks?

Other celebrities I saw post this within the last 24 hours:

It’s actually really fun. I’m still playing a lot of Gambit. And I actually just FINALLY completed the Sleeper Simulant quest line...took me long enough lol.

lol the fact that you think no one likes Spawn is hilarious.