
You guys are legitimately pissing so many of your regular readers off. I feel like you guys have turned full heel/troll at this point.

JK. I’m a 32 year old white dude. You’re welcome.

Agreed. Also, great avatar/username 

I honestly don’t understand it. Sometimes I think they are attempting like high level trolling? I’m not sure. 

It’s interesting that you guys want to be taken seriously with your political analysis...yet then have boners over the dumbest shit for terrible candidates.

Cool terrible take. 

NO, they absolutely should not. Jesus. 

You guys are just...what have you become? lol

No it isn’t?

Don’t engage the troll please.

I gotcha. Thanks for the response. I guess I’ve always just heard that the current gen Xbox library was severely lacking. I never got anything after the 360 as I realized most of what comes to Xbox consoles are available to me on my gaming PC. And I actually use Xbox game pass on PC and its a fantastic service. 

So you prefer those things over having a good library of games? Genuinely curious. 

Also, the fact that I am now in the grays after years and years of being an approved commenter is hilarious lol

As others have pointed out, this is not really correct, coming both from professionals and from personal experience as a Floridian. When you first get in a car that has been sitting in the sun for any length of time, the air inside is going to be substantially hotter than the air outside. Your AC system is designed to

Harassing anyone about a video game is wrong...know what else is wrong? You offering up any sort of defense for microtransactions at all. You can condemn one thing without having to defend a very shitty thing by claiming “they aren’t even that bad”. Do better.

You say that, but White Claw has been a pretty common thing (at least in this area), for a few years. I’m in Tampa, so maybe it was pushed more here due to the beaches, warm/tropical weather? But I do think they are here to stay. It doesn’t feel like its all just a trend. I know people who have never liked to drink

What was the post that he got owned on? I’m having trouble remembering.

I think its very widespread. We’ve called it Grandma in Florida since...forever lol.

“diet pills”