LOL we are fucked. The Democratic party will eat its own and tear itself apart over uniting and fighting Trump or someone worse. Fuck ittttttt
LOL we are fucked. The Democratic party will eat its own and tear itself apart over uniting and fighting Trump or someone worse. Fuck ittttttt
I mean honestly, we should also really be concerned about the price of housing in America.
I literally just got done reading that article, holy shit. Hahahaha.
Lol is this a fucking Onion article? Why is this being shown on the front page of Splinter?
It’s not just that it gives you pause for the obvious reasons, during the game play presentation he came off extremely annoying to me. It was like a recycled quip from him every 3 seconds
This uh..makes me very nervous. An “entire game” focused solely on Midgar? How is that even possible?? They announced the game 4 years ago. If it took them 4 years to finish the OPENING part of the game....Jesus.
Shut up, flyover state.
You guys are idiots sometimes lol
Is it a slow day over there? Between this and the Splinter shit post about Chris Evans, pretty sure you are just trolling for clicks at this point which....sad.
You can have the demeanor or worldview or sense of a are a child.
If there was a ranking of Caitlins, you would be dead last right next to Caitlin Jenner.
The media should never do this. Ever. Trump will never reciprocate and being the “bigger” person does nothing.
Why was this not included in the main body? lol
As a Tampa resident, I’ll be doing my part. This is bullshit.
I can’t stress this enough...if you do think you are depressed, please make a small effort to make some positive changes in your life and see if things improve before you see a physician. My doctor put me on two different anti depressants immediately when I told her I knew something was wrong with how I felt. She also…
I’m not entirely sure what your comment is attempting to prove or show? That a a woman who was a top ranked athlete became a man and is still doing exceedingly well at the same sport is proof of..what exactly? The issue is males can transition to females, be average athletes at best and then shatter women records…
I’m not entirely sure what your comment is attempting to prove or show? That a a woman who was a top ranked athlete became a man and is still doing exceedingly well at the same sport is proof of..what exactly? The issue is males can transition to females, be average athletes at best and then shatter women records lol.…