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    An all-out explosion-filled action movie results in... an awesome-as-hell makeup tutorial.

    Well, Mark, I guess this is as good a time as any... ::gets down on one knee::

    And he didn’t skip leg day!

    Darth Pumpkin beat me to it. ;)

    My friend bit Dakota Fanning on the face. But when you hear his version, she was kinda asking for it.

    Oh, man, I love Abney Park. But I do admit from what little I’ve seen, he comes off as... well, a weirdo is probably the most polite way to say it.

    Kristen Stewart.

    I’m glad Plants versus Zombies found a common enemy they could band together to defeat. This is a story of victory all around.

    I was left alone in the car as a kid, and I died.

    If Gotham gets renewed for Season 2, I’ll watch every week if they give Ben McKenzie this haircut.

    Even Thor understands... to a point.

    Clark Kent wears glasses. Captain Amazing Superman doesn’t wear glasses.


    Unlike the rest of the neighborhood, this looks bright and shiny and brand-new and... not abandoned. Maybe THAT’S what he’s complaining about. It DOES stick out a little. Just not in the way I expected when I started the article. ;)

    It's posts like these that make me eat a steak even if it's not cooked right, drink the diet when I ordered regular, and consider 10% the bare minimum of tipping. It never ceases to amaze me how many people assume restaurants/waitstaff are their own personal servants. It's like Chili's exists just to serve you, and

    “A request for comment sent via Lafontaine’s agent was not returned by press time.”

    Whoa, hey, let’s leave the spousal abuse stories out of this. You monster.

    "Are you praying? Do you need a bucket?"

    "'Just grab the stupid bird,' you all said. 'How hard could it be,' you all said. Well I hope now you'll shut up! PS. You totally should have used some rocket skates."