Kareem N'dKoffe

He’s probably pissed he had to share the track with a Morris Minor still.

Or they say: “Shit, that was intense. I need to watch more baseball.”

And I don’t care if they take six hours.

Manfred might say it’s driving fans away. I call it baseball, and he can fuck right off. That whole chess match was thrilling as fuck.

I’m sure the NFL is going to look at this ratings problem at the end of the season and do something rational about it.

It’s fascinating because a lot of the reasons for a salary cap was to create parity. And a parity was created, where most of the league is as another commentator eloquently stated, “dogshit.” Is Belichick a genius, or is he simply a one-eyed man in a world where everyone else is blind?

The average NFL game is awful. That gets hidden when there are three to eight going on at a time, but when you break them out, the overwhelming odds are the standalone will be a bad game.

“My roommate started a fight with me over fruit-storage techniques.”

I’m so ridiculously thankful to have attended college before social media existed.

The root of the problem is our countries driver education system, or lack thereof as the case may be. We teach people how to get in and operate an automobile. But we don’t teach them how to drive and that is the problem.

I had to post a reply . There are 59 National Parks, which Patrick is discussing above (omitting the National Park of American Samoa and Virgin Islands National Park). The other 354 units of the National Park Service bear different names - National Monuments, National Historic Sites, National Memorials, National

Our national parks are wonderful! Only someone whose visited every single corner of each one should be qualified to rank them.

LA could probably host the Olympics with six months’ notice. However, I have a feeling there would be a real push if there was a permanent home to not make it in the United States.

Being a Jets fan is akin to having a fuck up relative that you care deeply about. Even when you know things are going really well, and you think that things are going to be okay and you’re proud of them, you’re constantly aware that it’s only a matter of time before they snort and 8-ball, swallow a handful of pills,

“No no, he’s resting.”

Is it possible that this incident showed Bernie the importance of radio communication?

And the cool thing about it is he used to bang his wife’s great-grandmother before she were taken by consumption around the turn of the century.

“Robin is the one who has to fight for us”

No Bernie Ecclestone? Stef Shrader needs to have a word with you guys.

RIP Carl, you were one of the motorsport icons. I loved watching you and Penske and some kid named Ganassi duke it out at Indy. Thanks for showcasing us Mario and Michael Andretti, Nigel Mansel and the rest. We’ve missed you these last few years but it just wasn’t the same after Paul died, was it. Go fire up a stogie