
It's hilarious that Trump praised our healthcare system, but infuriating and terrifying that our PM praised Trump on his "victory" with the AHCA. Our PM and his ridiculous, crooked party of rich assholes has been trying to dismantle our incredible healthcare system for years, and because they take a hard line of abuse

I'd have passed her over even before I realised I was bi. Firstly, I don't like anyone who feels the need to specify what they DON'T like in their profile, unless it is eminently reasonable (e.g. "no racists, no sexists, and stop sending me dick pics"), but secondly, it's ignorant and biphobic and shit and

Last week I had pretty good sex with the girl I've seen now a few times, interrupted twice by my pets:

Mental Health whinge time!

I hate memes a little because I am still attached to the original meaning of the word "meme" (as invented by Richard Dawkins). But also, I love memes because I am extremely juvenile.

This is, of course, excellent advice — but it doesn't apply to me. The weird thing about me, that I don't want to change but does bring me pain, is that I go into every new date (or other situation) with a kind of stupid optimism. When I'm on a date with a girl I like, I'm thinking "this is going great!" not "there's

Or cloning, natch.

Mixed response to this. An element of bi-guy-phobia among women is "I don't want to catch diseases" and "guys who fuck other guys are disgustingly promiscuous", both of which fears get furthered when you take a time out to specify that your bi boyfriend might be "sharing infections unbeknownst to her".

I get what he was saying, but it would have been clearer if he had said all demographics, as opposed to all people, are equally bad at monogamy. But yeah, the real kick in the ass was that pissy little comment about not knowing why he has to go to the effort of refuting the incredibly widespread notion that bisexual

Whenever I hear "I worry that X will lead to disappointment", my advice is the same.

Relationships have been on my mind even more than usual this week, and the conclusion is that I'm incredibly lonely. Anti-depressants mean I'm not crushed or overwhelmed by that loneliness to the point that I can't function, but if you're considering getting medication for depression, just know in advance that it

Yeah, as a bi guy who's had a woman in this very comment section explicitly say she would never feel comfortable dating a bisexual guy, that part of his comment felt like being spat on. I usually cut Dan a lot of slack when others come down hard, but he fucked up on that one.

I often move her hands to my rear end if the moment is right. All of my sexual partners, bar none, have enjoyed when I've been a bit physically dominant, which sometimes makes me a little sad because I also like when THEY are a bit physically dominant, but it never happens without me asking (and even then it usually

Two things that my first girlfriend did, but no other sexual partners have done (of their own volition):

Fair point. I'll have a think about a place to keep the posts viewable for those who want to go back and see them. I just don't want to be seen to be promoting my own site/blog in the AVC comment section; I find that a little obnoxious when I see it from others. Maybe I'll set up a wordpress or something just for

Nah, my blogging days are over. I like it here. Besides, who would read some dumb guy's blog? At least here, someone'll read it who's already interested in the show. That's all I want.

I'm not doing it when nobody dies :) I was sick for the first two episodes, but did one for episode 3 which included a recap.

The fact that this comment itself has a typo is very enjoyable.

Without making a judgement on the merits of the case*, I have to say it's brave of Heard to fight this battle, having just come out of that media circus about her abusive marriage, which alone could end a Hollywood actress's career. I have no thoughts on her acting and can't really remember seeing her in anything, but

I would see that as innocent naming convergence. "Pax" being latin for "peace" explain why both the fictional and real drugs use it far better than Joss intentionally deciding to reference an existing anti-depressant. I think the movie is pretty clear that the Alliance's crime (broadly speaking and much more