
The "cheers!" makes me think of people with disqus accounts or who post on forums and sign each comment off with their name. And those people should never be trusted.

The ONLY reason I don't think it's on purpose is that, how much pleasure can you get from one second of (presumably not all-the-way) penetration? Unless he's trying to do it sporadically until she comes around to the sensation, but, yeesh.

Ahh! My eye! Doctor said I'm not supposed to get vagina in it!

That guy seemed like kind of a prick, talking about his "knuckle-dragging, vagina-blinded pals". He's walked blindly into Nice Guy territory. Here's hoping he opens his eyes and sees what's become of himself before he goes full #notallmen.

Hey you! Good for you! I'm so glad things are trending upwards, as we all told you it would. Great to know we're not all liars. I hope your doctor is gentle and wise.

Maybe I shouldn't have laughed at Dan's advice about a thumbtack stuck to the buttplug, but damn it, I did.

I just wanted you to know that SOMEONE thought this was an excellent joke.

You talk like a nerdy white teenager who's been bitten by a radioactive whiter, nerdier teenager.

She hasn't exactly been prolific. I don't think she's spoiled for choice, for some insane reason I don't understand.

Why hasn't Kristen Bell properly taken off? She's super funny, super hot in an "accessible Hollywood" kind of way, and has serious dramatic chops. She was KILLER in Veronica Mars, and well-respected for it, and that was over ten years ago. Her comic timing is some of the best around, but she has not made anything very

It's not great, but I think it's more "Scott is pathetic" than "Scott is a predator". If he had done anything more than hold hands with her (she leaps in to kiss him at one point, and if I recall correctly he isn't super happy about it) it would be disgusting, but since it's clearly just him trying to cope with his

True, from your and my perspective, but I don't know if the political pressure exists from the public that that's an unequivocally bad thing. I just don't think many people care — his supporters are largely complacent about it, and his opponents probably think locking up whistleblowers was the only good thing he ever

No, I can't imagine he ever will. But that doesn't mean Wilmore did badly.

Scott's a weak little worm, but turns out to be a good dude, which felt true to life for me! His big hero moment is telling his two girlfriends that they didn't wrong each other, HE wronged them, and that they deserve better.

Can you imagine the nerves it'd take to deliver those jokes to that room and get that reception? I'd be nervous giggling, too. Nervously giggling in a puddle of my own making, and apologising meekly for vomiting a little between each gag.

I don't think fanboyism is to blame necessarily. But also, I can kind of see why someone would be harsher on things they love than things that are plainly terrible. LoT is an embarrassing, badly written exercise in viewers' tolerance for incoherent nonsense that looks like it has the budget of a middle school play, so

I understand if you disagree with Sava's interpretations. I understand if you think the grade is bullshit. I understand if you think he has got something totally ass-backwards.

I don't understand how someone could be so unsympathetic to a character whose world has been destroyed as much as Martha's has.

Haha, it's only because I did a season 1-3 rewatch in the lead up to season 4. And then I did that Philip and Elizabeth kill tally, which took a lot of re-reading synopses and watching clips. It's all very fresh in my memory.

It's my impression she works both under and to the side of Arkady. Since she's working in the Rezidentura, Arkady, as Rezident, can give her instructions and operations, but it's heavily implied that she's been sent by higher-ups to run highly secret operations (earlier this season it was suggested that the