
I get why the author frames this as a white privilege thing, because it clearly is in this case (and in so many), but as someone who went to a high school that was nearly 50% Asian-American, I can assure you that young Chinese-Americans and Indian-Americans in particular are also quite frequently opposed to

I don’t support race-based affirmative action. I simply don’t. It hurts Asian kids in California, and it creates an unequal playing field for people. I do support socio-economic affirmative action, and other programs that actually try to get at kids who need a hand in getting into college, into jobs, etc. I’ve known

Abigail Fisher fell short of the GPA/SAT cutoff for a selective state flagship under any admissions criteria.

I am currently a young, female adjunct at a large (and well ranked) state university and I have several responses. I think we need to start a discussion between elementary, high school and universities because so many of the problems I see, stem from systemic logic that creates apathy from an early age.