Slow day, huh? This is S.O.P. in Vermont.
Demands for equal treatment? What's next, suffrage?
But, was "will roll over onto apple peeler" ever on one of Rose's fortune cookies??
The evil Renter-error strikes again!
I vote for Derek Sanderson's subtlety myself.
His lawyer really dropped the ball on this onee.
Satan Clown has nothing on Nightmare Ant.
Somebody's gotta stop snitchin'
About the only player not involved in the fight was Ron Artest.
Let's not forget how much it helps to suck so hard for so long to allow about 10 consecutive top 5 draft picks.
@raymondjames: Is it possible to have more momentum than the Rays had stacked up in Game 5? I see what you mean but in my eyes, if it means anything that momentum would've carried through those last seven outs...
If this series hasn't shown us that the concept of momentum in sports is a load of donkey dick, I'm not sure what will.
@Spaceman Bill Leah has the Crazy Eyes: Unfortunately, comforting it is not.
@G Voll the Mole: Only with the constant murmur of everyone saying 'oh shit' repeatedly with their heads in their hands.
Not that it makes it better ... but yeah, game 3 of the ALCS in '04 was in fact pretty similar.
@Yinka Double Dare: Anything can dominate when supplemented by a fifth of bourbon.
That'll be $1, sir.
@OttosBrother: Usually when athletes work their way up in Bristol they get drafted a round or two early.