@Jesus Sanchez: Me too...
@Jesus Sanchez: Me too...
@JACrazy: Upstairs?
@animeman59: maybe if he'd bought a cheaper phone...
But the original poster can just post "j/k" now and it's all ok, right?
@ohnoitsaspider: Roaming charges
@Caturday Yet?: Accomplished thru multitasking, no doubt...
@Spaceboy: At least that's not virtually fattening...
@madmanmat: Yeah - I look at the car, close my eyes, and all I see is $$$
What about accordion geegaws for the aspiring polka superstar?
@A Magician Named Gob: I'm not clear - is it a "how to" book as a guide for the budding musician, or a "don't do this" tale of how not to live your life? Do I want a high school student reading this?
@izzyskywalker: That only works if the cyclists stop for it.
@ARC: You could spill it on your seatmate's computer bag and rust his firearm...
@ps61318: Bravo!
@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: What makes you think they weren't before?
@UnicornMaster: You buy a bunch for NEXT year on the day after Christmas (Boxing Day to some), and get HUGE DEALS! So WAY less, except you've got last year's lights next year.
@johnnyabnormal: Or surgically implanted on the BACK of his head!
@Dabamasha: But the same people who want government to keep the cost of education down are the same people who will object to paying taxes later ... to keep the cost of education down for the students who follow them...
@Walljasper: Actually, for some, it would probably be an improvement.
@Faslane: I've had it with these secondhand stories passing for news...
@Jackstick: Thank your carrier (or not) for that, apparently.