
Couldn't they build this into cellphones? Then while you carry them in your front pocket ...

@anoteoftruth: I can hardly keep the jet level, myself. Thank god for the autopilot!

@Natey: Yeah, but with the trees gone, you can now see the real rainbows in the sky!

@AndGo: It's actually a wallpaper for the iPad, which you then have to violently wave back and forth. Sort of like playing with a Wiimote, without the cool silicone skin and wrist strap.

Build the polarizing, or red/blue, lenses in and you can watch your new 3D TV without having to lift your head. Unless you rig your anaglyphtic projectors to shoot from the floor onto your bedroom ceiling (but then you'll need a screen to go across the mirrors...)

@StirringSibilance: Yeah. Or even with this - what happens to the final result if you switch up the initial pairings? Or remove one from the start and add in an "unmodified" at a later level? Seems like a fun game.

I'm just really impressed with how rugged that Coke machine is.

@PlayerX: Thanks for a blast from my past, there!