
Weird examples. I haven’t seen this show, but the title definitely made me interested, especially after discovering the premise - it seems like the kind of thing that has the potential to be some kind of poignant metaphor. Same thing with The Bear - it has multiple meanings, some explained within the show and some

Listen, I can absolutely understand and emphasize with Jenkins for getting a hefty paycheck. But assuming this turns out bad (which I would say has at least an 80% chance), his filmography is probably gonna be way lopsided. He could have just done the Alexander Payne thing and done scriptwork. Nobody identifies Payne

Or just pluralize every word. Roberts Downeys Jr.s.

Turned out for the best. I think Ever After is pretty underrated and she does a great job in it, and Heather Graham kills it as Rollergirl.

I think the comment section of this website needs to confront the fact that the reason why this website fucking sucks is only half the actual writers. A solid 50% is the comments. This is a perfectly fine article, stop trying to act like a joke article represents the end of quality pop culture media. It was never good

I take a lot of pleasure in it.

I watch Dogville every other week. Huge crowd-pleaser.

I haven’t seen it so I can’t speak from personal experience, but from this article and a couple other things I read it seems like the movie itself is predicated on it being a twist. It seems like it takes the better part of an hour to actually reveal that part of the movie, which means audiences who have been told it

I saw the trailer a couple weeks ago before Monkey Man, and it looked really bad. B-tier quipping and shitty references. But I’ve learned over the past couple years that the trailer industry in general is just struggling. I bet modern-day trailer editors could make Breathless look like a Marvel movie. A lost art form.

True, but most of the time he is more masturbatory in a self-indulgent way. Like Mike Flanagan monologues or the entirety of Magnolia (both of which I love). Assuming this article is true, what he initially wrote was full-on perineum tanning public indecency charges levels of masturbatory. A real ceiling painter. He

This makes total sense. Tarantino is the kind of guy who is narcissistic/confident enough to write some masturbatory bullshit but also self aware enough to realize that it is bullshit and scrap it for something a little less masturbatory. And I say that as a fan.

Very true. But that is kind of my point - if they had come out nowadays and were a Netflix content drop, they probably wouldn’t have been as popular as they were, and honestly probably would have been cancelled way sooner. But someone could also make the argument that a show like Breaking Bad wouldn’t have been made

100%. I always think of Survivor, too - it would be wild if we just immediately knew who got voted out and who won. Would suck the fun out of the whole thing. And sure, reality TV is different from narrative TV. But not enough, in my opinion, to change things too much.

I don’t actually do that, I’m just using it for the example. That is part of why I dislike the binge model, because it incentivizes that kind of shit. It takes the hard work of a group of people and turns it into a content vending machine. I seriously doubt shows like Breaking Bad or The Wire would be as esteemed as

I mean, that same question applies to binge drops. Its just preference, and I prefer weekly releases.

I’m a big fan of their cover of the song ‘Crazy Mary’, which was a bonus track off of Vs.

I would absolutely prefer weekly releases where, in the following week, I’m thinking about the show and the direction it’s headed, to getting an entire season drop where I watch it all in one sitting and immediately forget about it for a year.

I meant it less in the ‘he needs it’ camp and more in the ‘I need it’ camp

Largely uninterested in this, but I am happy Domnhall Gleeson is still getting work. Let’s keep it that way.

True, but I still don’t really get it. I feel like any sustained conversation would be good. HBO is still doing weekly releases, but they’ve kind of run out of their great shows (Curb just ended, the last truly ‘essential’ show they had was Succession and Barry which ended nearly a year ago). I’d agree, I feel like