Hadn’t heard of that, but yeah, it does seem to be less “using method acting as an excuse to be an asshole” than “trying to get into character without fully thinking about the logistics”.
Hadn’t heard of that, but yeah, it does seem to be less “using method acting as an excuse to be an asshole” than “trying to get into character without fully thinking about the logistics”.
And also, it seems like Strong isn’t an asshole with it, he’s just kind of weird. Maybe I’m wrong, but I haven’t really heard anything about him being super hard to be around, just not an especially fun castmate. More eccentricities than anything else. But whatever he is doing, it’s working. He is giving a phenomenal…
Powell was great in Set It Up (which was surprisingly very good). I’m excited to see how his career will unfold, and if he will keep doing movies where he plays a military pilot.
What are the odds that Linklater or one of the main cast members of the movie dies before finish filming?
Didn’t it start with his afterlife, before transitioning into him being sent back to earth and then just gladiatoring throughout history?
I’m very excited. I thought Werewolf By Night was one of the only marvel movies to have... actual directing. I quite liked it (if you ignore the digital black and white, that part looked bad). Interested in seeing Giacchino keep directing.
“Dumb fuckboy saves the world and swims in pussy” is the name of my semi fictional memoir.
All those modern teens frothing at the mouth for Aaron Taylor-Johnson
I don’t get why theme parks need to have some kind of story. Just have them look around. There doesn’t need to be an in-depth explanation.
He’s such a good actor. I especially love his performance in About Time.
As someone with absolutely zero nostalgia for the original (only saw it a few days before I saw Maverick after being surprised Maverick got good reviews), I loved it. Just think it was a well-made action movie, with good momentum and an incredible third act.
I watched the first episode, and overall I thought it was interesting but not especially funny (though some parts got a minor chuckle).
Damn. I watched a good amount of the newest season of So You Think. You Can Dance with my family, and I hadn’t heard of the guy beforehand, but he was an incredibly charismatic, likable host, and an amazing dancer. Incredibly tragic.
One of those ladies is going to turn out to be a prostitute.
I have never seen a website comment section be simultaneously so wrong and so unwilling to admit when they are wrong. I know there are different people here with different opinions, but it always seems that the top comments adhere to the previous statement.
I mean, unobtanium isn’t something Cameron just made up, it has been used in engineering to represent a material that would perfectly meet certain conditions (or an existing material that would be too costly to get in the needed amounts). It is a little silly, but still.
That’s how he makes his money back - make it so long that you’re bound to miss something.
Reviewer: “This movie is good!”
Just looked it up, they did have to file for bankruptcy, but they got bought by another company. Still fucked up that they had to file for bankruptcy though.
I’ve heard jokes that Ito is the opposite of Hayao Miyazaki, where the former makes unsettling art but by all accounts has a pleasant public persona, and the latter makes pleasant art but has a bit of a reputation for being an asshole.