
I remember before Usenet. We used CBs and smoke signals.

It's a magical world, I should really calm my big tits.
It's a magical world, I should really calm my big tits.
It's a magical world, I should really calm my big tits.

There's a riddle here, and I really want to win that car.

Not happier, but we could have had a Cantina Scene with Dwarves and Wights.

All human concern is vanity.

That's why I can't read Titus Groan/Gormenghast/Titus Alone again. Now I know there aren't enough tits.

Best is hard to categorize, but it's pretty damn near perfect.

You obviously don't understand Morrissey.
To aspire to Thermonuclear Douchenozzle status would require a positivist attitude.
Even Wittgenstein would snicker at your naivete.

Entitlement will get you everything in this world, and rightly so.

Yes, but I hate the Sun and everything about it too. Do the Night King and I have the same motivation?

I like movies where humans stand around moping, and their friends incessantly say "Believe in yourself!" It provides another goal to eschew. Last I checked, this is the history of cinema circa 1990-2017.

I stopped reading after "the thing that I liked the most about the first episodes has been diminished, and the things I liked the least have been enhanced" because this is a truth statement, like the process of aging. No escape.

And yet William J. Clinton said he smoked spliffs, but never inhaled. I vote that "Some girls are bigger than others" and " I smoked spliffs but never inhaled" be added to the 14th International Edition of Koans: The Movie.

Or perhaps those millions actually like the show, and still like it, but 100 netizens whine incessantly?

Seriously, I'm looking forward to this film. I haven't been this excited since Zardoz premiered.

Yes, but what is the Night King's motivation? What is she/he/it really searching for? Love? Acceptance? A gig as a motivational speaker? What would Derrida conclude?

The real question is What is the Night King's MacGuffin? Until we understand what her/his/its motivation is, suspension of disbelief is off the table. Right off.

Isha amoury glum,
Isha armoury glum,
Gum dar killary wum,
Gum dar killary wum…

Who coined the phrase Pope of Mope?
Whoever it was deserves a Pulitzer or at least a Nobel Peace Prize.