This guy is a jive turkey.
This guy is a jive turkey.
It's on par with seasons 4 or 5. Starcrash may be the most bonkers movie I've ever seen.
Wow. Guess you really showed him.
I can finally say it. Avalanche is the best of the new batch by far.
*steps in Bantha poodoo
The only movie I ever walked out of was Strange Days. Raping someone while forcing them to experience it as the rapist in a VR rig. Ahh, the depravity seems tame by todays standards, but it was too much.
I remember Columbine. Outcast sociopaths joining forces to cause chaos and destruction. Sound familiar? I guess that describes Seinfeld too.
It's back, in POG form!
USENET, Archie, Anonymous FTP
Sweet, sweet Sherilyn Finn gifs that took an hour to download…Good times.
WB is going to feel the Sting of the law once The Police become involved.
To tear the flesh…to…wear…the flesh.
Mmmmmm, nerve endings.
I don't have the answer to your question, but now I DO have AC/DC's Thunderfucked stuck in my head.
One of my first mix tapes had "Centerfold" and AC/DC's "Big Balls" on it. Like another commenter said, it was my bridge between kiddy music and rock.
It's glorious.
They asked you not to do that, you know.
Andrew Breitbart. That look on his face when he had a massive heart attack at 43 was HILARIOUS!