I hated it because of fake Donna. Also, you kind of knew everything that was going to happen. It was a bit like Twin Peaks: Special Edition in that respect.
I hated it because of fake Donna. Also, you kind of knew everything that was going to happen. It was a bit like Twin Peaks: Special Edition in that respect.
I wonder if I still have those "Wrapped in Plastic" fan mags.
Nowadays, it's Dave Matthews CDs all the way down.
The original featured an overweight, incompetent comic relief character called Officer "Grossman".
So much "humor" now is
No Michael Dorn, no deal.
The band was Pain. Their song was called "Pain". Ponch saved the day by getting on stage and singing "Celebration".
Jeeze. I haven't thought of that in 20+ years. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard (or been so high) as during the John Denver and Anne Murray bits.
Nah, I'm good.
Am I buggin' you? Don't mean to bug you.
Artists against A-PART-TITE!
We're stealin' it back.
He asked for $250 on the spot to play on "Anarchy". Dave says they just ignored him and he played on it anyway.
Stealth-i-ly a-ttacking. By-Tor slays his foes…
You're mostly right. The Dio years had darker lyrics, but they were more fantasy based than proselytizing for evil. Starting with Born Again and through the 80s/90s they wrote overtly satanic stuff, but it came off cheezy and as an attempt to keep up with the Slayers of the world.
May the force be with them.
To be fair, vibrators ARE pretty funny.
Ha ha ha! Remember when all those kids died or got brain damage from eating Jack in the Box? Or just being around kids who had eaten at Jack in the Box?
I have a dream where the racists and trolls never ever leave their basements because they are fighting with bots around the clock. The decent people of the world secretly leave Twitter/reddit/4chan.
They also had men's briefs with an elephant's face on the front and a big hole. You would make the trunk by…well, you know. Totally impractical!