And finally, he was briefly the drummer for Black Sabbath. He did not get into the RRHOF for that gig.
And finally, he was briefly the drummer for Black Sabbath. He did not get into the RRHOF for that gig.
It's no "Turn off the dark".
It sounded like he tolerates Guest; they could probably asshole it out to a draw. But definitely not McKean. He wouldn't say why. Just smugness.
There's really no wrong answer. "If you choose" and all that.
Look folks, legions of feminazi, lesbian famers are poised to take over the red states and make you all get gay married. It's been HiLIARy's plan all along. Ditto?
Grace Under Pressure is probably my favorite Rush album. It's dark as fvck. I still can't get into Power Windows after 30 years.
Box ticked.
Daaaaaang. I hadn't thought about that for about 30 years. That's when they had the Ghola replacement singer.
If anyone here looked at those pics, please delete your account.
It's back in Pog form.
Shit on the '80s all you like, cynics.
I'll always reach for the sublime Singles 89-91.
I was standing next to Steve Fisk at some show a while back. (one of their other biggish producers). We started chatting about The Weddoes, and I told him how I loved Bizarro and 3-songs but Watusi not so much. That was the one he worked on….
"Crawl" (the b-side) is truly one of THE great songs.
C'mon. Everyone has some Van Halen.
There's an XM radio station that's still pushing Jackyl pretty hard. Also the other tier 3 bands from that era.
How is babby harmed?
"and I was pretending that I was in a Galaxie 500 video"