
Thank God Pavement came along and taught us all to stop sincerely enjoying things.

The Challenger Disaster?

We won!

Remember the talking chicken McNuggets?

I was born early in the decade, and everything really looked and sounded like that!

Sure, that's what they want you to believe.

My theory is that the guy who confessed to the murder and is in jail did it.

I want to research this, but what are "bank turns in space" and "half metaphor"? Genuinely curious.

Spock, help me.
Spock, help me.

And how did they originally tell the stories that they are using as metaphor? Dicks!

It was no Pong, that's for sure. (Kix)

Animals do many things to each other that humans find morally repugnant.

It's funny how none of these mofos care to tuck in their shirts. They look like rejected uniforms from ST:TNG.

That, my Canadian friend, is a funny story.

You fool! That wasn't the sow!

Picked a random, inauspicious comment to say:

Because they think animals don't feel pain, suffer, or fear death?

Yeah. Fuck this Zimmern guy.

Here's a song about her.