
I'll undercut you and let mine go for $500K.

Versus - Two Cents Plus Tax - "Oriental American" is track 0
Mclusky - Mclusky Do Dallas - "Reviewing the Reviewers" hidden at the end
Superchunk - Aqua Teen Hunger Force soundtrack - "Misfits and Mistakes" hidden at the end

Wow. That's insane.

A couple of counter examples.

Ha ha. When I lived in Boston, I had a storage locker in Cambridge. When the guy first opened it for me he proudly said, "Peter Wolf used to rent this one out." There was an awkward silence…."oh yeah?"

Or the spiritual sequel to "Down with OPP".

True story bro:
My friend saw Paulina and Ric in the food court of a mall in Boston (Cambridgeside Galleria). Everyone was kind of staring at them as they went up to order some chicken or something. The cashier noticed and said, "You someone famous, ain't ya?". Rick awkwardly said, "Yeah, I was in a local band called

Finally, a "Hot Dog" the movie notification! That movie was something wasn't it.

Was surprised to learn "Sexual Capacity" was not a Spinal Tap B-side.


Have you heard the latest hipster joke?

That James Taylor album that looks like "Diver Down" at first glance.
Or that James Taylor album that looks like "Lust for Life" at first glance.

I know about the Austin Power problem. Drinking lots of coffee sure makes it worse and was kind of the cause for a while. Sorry if it seems like I'm peddling easy answers.

It's a bit stock.

Is that you, Tommy Shaw?

I'm here to refill your juke box…who needs some juke?

"Put things in rooms!" I spent my own damn money on that one. Grrrrr.

LaBelles! Midwest, right? That's where I got all of my Star Wars action figures.

Think of all of mortgages and car payments that were riding on this one guy's shoulders.

New Atari 2600 games were still $30 at the time which was crazy for a 11-12 year old. It was over for me when a month of mowing lawns went to scratch for some horrible 3rd party game. I think it was "Space Jockey". I'm over it; I swear!