
"As I cross this barren desert, I wonder if it's worth sharing my water with a man who insists on eating nothing but salty chips and pretzels?"

It might look like the Justice League, but it ain't the Justice League. Because whatever lives on the ground beyond the Snyder ain't human at all.

I just want the Wonder Woman movie to be good.

I'd wager Warners, more than even the fans, is hounding Affleck about Batman.

"Do not trust to hope. It has forsaken these lands."

"She’s got the look, the moveset, the merch, and the passion. She’s beloved by men, women, and children of all ages. She’s money in WWE’s pocket, but she’s also a potentially disruptive force….destined to not only take over the women’s division in storyline, but also change the perception of women’s wrestling within

I don't like that Brienne and Sansa are giving Davos shit behind his back.

Applying math formulas to fiction always makes me sick.

The funniest thing is I'm so offended by the prospect of the 5th Michael Bay Transformers out-grossing Wonder Woman, I'm almost forgetting how little faith I have in Warner Bros and the DC movie-verse to get her right.

So as much as she's suffered, she needs to continue suffering for a stupid teenage mistake because other people in Westeros have it worse..?

Yeah, but after the numerous beatings, public humiliation, emotional abuse, attempted rape, nearly thrown to her death by her psycho aunt, married to Ramsey Bolton, actual rape, and more beatings (am I forgetting anything..?), I think she's paid her bad karma with interest.