Right Mover

Classy response, but predictable. Can't win an argument with facts or prevail in the arena of ideas and you invariably resort to vulgarities and name-calling.

I know. I mean, like, the last eight years have been so awesome for this country, it's a shame the rest of our lives can't be like these last eight idyllic years in America have been.

Bless your heart. It's the left that has turned the weather into something political, so that every person on earth can be charged a carbon tax. But you go ahead and keep buying what those truthtellers who truly believe the earth didn't start turning on its axis until the day they were born are selling you.

I will be sure to consult the venerable hipster scientists at The AV Club who write about pop culture when I have any questions about the dire man-caused danger we all face of melting and drowning on earth in the next 10 years, because the snarky, unbiased reviewers of trendy TV shows know a whole lot more about

Now AV Club has dropped coverage of Fresh off the Boat, too??

No review of the Oct. 18 FOTB yet?

In that case, my readership on AV Club is going to drop by a lot, too. Did they lay off some of their writers in this booming economy?

Ending the episode with the shock of Shaq signing with the Lakers is an accurate and appropriate bookend to how Season 2 ended with Trent burning his Cleveland Browns jacket.

And when has Friends ever stopped being in perpetual syndication over the last 15 years?

Alice may have been on for nine years, but it was one of the crappiest sitcoms ever developed, and deserves its permanent purgatory.

The Drew Carey Show, Brett Butler’s Grace Under Fire, and Ellen.

Time has also forsaken "NewsRadio," and that was a much better series.

Extending the script to actually include not just a "C" story but an unrelated "D" story as well put "The Middle" in "Modern Family" territory this week.

Neil Flynn needs to submit this week's episode as an Emmy entry. His reflections in the Winnebago about missing driving the family when they were young may have been the most moving and completely identifiable moment in the entire series.

The whole holiday pageant scene at the school seemed to be inspired by the Mr. Hankey episode of "South Park." But a great, great episode here.

Funniest episode of "The Middle" this season, although I am getting tired of Sue throwing up every week.

Never saw the series finale, but the early seasons are certainly gold. Especially one episode that ends with a scene of Lois having a heart-to-heart talk with Malcolm, played completely straight, and as the camera pulls away, we see that they are in the bathroom, and while they're talking, Hal is sitting on the can

Plus he was the kid who embraced the "9 to 5" video game when all the other kids were struggling with "Shaq Fu."

I am pretty sure it is still 1995, not 1997.

I liked the meta reference to Shaq appearing so much bigger than he looks on TV. 1995 Shaquille O'Neal was considerably more svelte and athletic than the big whale he has become in retirement. I appreciated them lampshading the fact that the real Shaq did not look like this 20 years ago.