
Yeah, no way. This episode WAS Birdman in It's Always Sunny drag.

Nope, I caught it too. It's a pretty perfect parody/homage to that scene. When they had the Indy stand in fall out the back of the truck onto a cart, discover he's still attached to the truck by a shoelace, smile at his luck, then discover his lace is coming loose and having the bad guy smile instead, then try to use

This movie was a really great surprise. I had no expectations going into it, and I was very happy to discover a truly unique film. It's kind of mublecore meets private eye mystery, but much better than that sounds. I don't think I've ever seen a movie quite like this one. Highly recommended!

If I'm going to watch a comedy about dopey, developmentally-arrested teenage sleuths comically making their way through the modern world, I'm DEFINITELY going to watch Mystery Team and not this.

Oh man, that was amazing.

I agree that Ragnar's domestic troubles are incredibly boring, but I still love how alien the culture is. Apparently even a Jarl's wife can just up and leave and make her kid decide whether or not to come along? It's such a weird bit of agency granted to women who are treated as so much less than men in this world.

Yep! Futurama did it!

Hey, I live a block away from there and will pass that house on my way home from work this evening!

Yup, it was Renegade, which I am ashamed to say I used to come home from school and watch. It was, objectively speaking, unwatchable garbage (I'm talking sub-Walker, Texas Ranger), but young me just didn't know any better.

The sperm gag was never not funny. Even once it became clear that everyone was getting sperm, it was still hilarious every time a canister was placed on the table.

Wait - why the hell didn't Tara just take the D.A.'s offer? What possible reason does she have for not taking it? If she takes the offer, she avoids jail time and the government sets her up with a 100% risk free new identity. Instead, she's going on the lamb with two small kids, no money, the government and a

I'm going to echo everyone else here. Listing the best and most representative episodes of Futurama without including Jurassic Bark is insane. It's completely bonkers. Bonkers, I say!

I think it's only 5 seasons. The Shield finale is, quite frankly, the Platonic Ideal of a series finale. In fact, the entire back half of the final season of The Shield is essentially perfect, all culminating in the purest, most powerful possible ending. It's a stunning achievement.

That montage was absolutely amazing. At first I didn't notice that it was any different than the usual S3 closing montage, but then Oenomaus showed up and all of a sudden every meaningful character from every season was shown. I have to say as each character appeared I kept thinking "oh yeah, I LOVED that guy" or "oh

"Jon Hamm…am I pronouncing that correctly?"

Waking Life is fine and all, but I would never in a million years recommend it above Before Sunrise. That's crazy talk.

That was also my first thought. World peace would scarcely make me more happy and excited than finding out that Pixar was making a Grim Fandango movie. But hey, Tim Schaeffer got a lot of money to make another game through Kickstarter, so maybe there's some hope left for a sequel or movie or something…

Well, Channing Tatum still can't act but women are allowed to have their Jessica Albas and Blake Livelys too.

I don't know how people aren't all talking about Stevie's rotating stable of horrible wigs. They are incredible. Words fail. They're just so unbelievably awful, and when you add in the fake eyebrows, it's a nightmarish masterpiece. RIP Eastbound & Down

I think this show's biggest problem - besides it's obviously imminent cancellation - is the editing. Repeating the "I can't get a signal," "Is this HD?" jokes isfunny, and actually seems like something you'd see in an Arrested Development episode. But the editing was just a little off, and thus the timing of the jokes