
As a white person who has had the police called on them several times, I take offence to this. I live around black people and I find it completely ridiculous that every time a black person gets called on its got to be like a national fucking crisis but if a white person gets into a similar situation noone gives a shit.

Plus this idiot actually thinks the new star wars movies have good stories.

People are so easily offended these days even being purposefully non-offensive is offensive.

I’d sum that up with my general consensus that the vast majority of mankind can be classified as petty imbeciles.

Was your landlord Chinese? Something like that happened to me when I was living in San Francisco.

Stop whining, 4 days in Jail doesn’t make you a criminal.

Ohayo gozaimas. People just like to complain, as well as nitpick every verbal slip up this guy makes, as well as time his bowel movements. No president in history had ever approached this level of scrutiny, and if they had, none of them would be favorable. It’s quite sad really.

Ohayo gozaimas. People just like to bitch, as well as nitpick every little verbal slip up this guy makes, as well as time his bowel movements. It’s quite sad really.

This might be the dumbest article I’ve ever read.