Someone said Musk is not Stark, but Justin Hammer: a rich douchebag who pays actual scientists to come up with revolutionary breakthroughs, then takes all the credit for the breakthroughs.
Guy DudeBroMan, I want you to know that I am really really really really REALLY glad I’m not the only person who immediately went there as well.
I don’t get shame from questioning that number. I just don’t understand it. I’d wager the majority of adult men could identify her by sight and know her name. For her fame and popularity, the women deserves a tremendously larger amount of money.
If we HAVE to stand for a specific song, and HAVE to put our hands on our hearts or risk getting jacked are we really free?
> That a good enough reason for ya?
You misspelled Tuesday.
Remember when Portland PD found a white nationalist gang setting up on rooftop with a cache of rifles and ammo and let them all go home and the proceeded to spend all day seizing canes and flag poles from protesters and proudly posting it on Twitter...
The difference being: Trump’s adult children work for him and his agenda. Sasha and Malia weren’t adults who had any part in their father’s wrongdoing. If someone spit on Barron I would be disgusted and apoplectic.
as sure as i have no faith in this world anymore, i am sure he will be elected in 2020.
He can’t just lose. Democrats, Independents, and NeverTrumpers must BEAT HIS ASS in the popular vote, in the electoral college, in the Senate, on the beaches, on the landing grounds, in the fields and in the streets.
Dems are seriously overthinking the media responses.
Yes eventually it became clear he was a paying guest but he stubbornly remained black.
I can respect the ending. What i can’t respect is the complete loss of agency in most of the pivotal plot moments. They do the same thing 4 times. Tortured, Drugged, Progammed, Imprisoned. Not only that but the last fight annoyed the hell out of me.
While technically correct, you’re still an idiot.
You can take the measure of a leader by his (or her) reaction to a big, awful event like this week of extraordinary violence. President Bush’s actions in the wake of 9/11: spotty. President Tr***p’s actions: he gave an emotionless speech requesting civility. He put out tweets blaming the victims. He suggested that…
Stg, as a foreign observer, it is so fucking weird to watch an obviously incompetent narcissist sliding ever deeper into dementia and then see news outlets go, "hmm, what an interesting strategy". Dude has no strategy. Dude has no grip on reality. And he's running a country. What the uneven fuck is going on.
Wait wait wait....
So frostfall. :|