Guy DudeBroMan

I love how many people out there think that I owe them an explanation as to why I like to play games a certain way. It’s my time, it’s my money, and I’m a grown-ass adult; I’ll play games how I want, and am under no obligation to play games your way or to explain myself to anyone else. Play games how you want, that’s

Yeah, THAT I would watch.  This?  Aside from the fact the host looks like a Sim character to me, I’m not even a little bit interested.

As a bonified white person, this is basically my position too. Just because *I* don’t see a problem in my daily life doesn’t mean a problem doesn’t exist. And since I am not in a good viewing angle to judge the objective reality based on my own seats in the stadium, I’ll defer to people with a better view and shut my

“Please please, head Cheeto... keep doing what you’re doing until November.”

He has for his seventy-someodd years of life, so why stop now? 

I had the same concern, and still do about Kerbal Space Program 2 or Baldur’s Gate 3.  My answer to those two, when they get to this point, is to buy on EA for the discount and let them ripen, play only after final release.

Replace each “confederate flag” flying in the in-field with an “ISIS flag” and watch all these pseudo-patriots lose their shit.  They really don’t see the connection.

The part this fuckwit doesn’t seem to understand is that each of those crimes, he served his time. And none of those crimes carry the death penalty as a possible sentence. The fact that he wasn’t a saint is irrelevant: his death was not a just punishment, and the officer was not empowered by the law to sentence him to

With kittens and puppies pre-trapped in the rings, for convenience.

If you can install any of these games onto a computing device, you probably already outperform him.

If you can install any of these games onto a computing device, you probably already outperform him.

The version of this in my head is that this is a super deep cut Babylon 5 reference.

A surgeon performs an appendectomy.  They remove the appendix as requested.  They then leave a clamp in the patient.  But it’s all good because the letter of the request was filled, right?  The procedure doesn’t say you CAN’T leave a clamp in the patient, and you didn’t specify that you didn’t want me to leave stuff

Did nobody on this movie bother to look up how the phases of the moon work? He says it’s ‘nearly a full moon,’ yet Earth’s past 3/4. When the moon is full, the Earth should be in ‘new Earth’ phase, almost entirely night-side.

That’s like saying that you want to make a combustion engine run off of the CO^2 and CO locked in hydrocarbon fuels. H^2O is the end-product of hydrogen combustion, it’s what you GET from burning hydrogen. The chemical equation is 2H^2+O^2<=>2H^2O+energy. The equation can be reversed, but to get the H^2 you have to

I’m on my second one, now. I personally love that I can quickly go from full-hand to a collapsed, compact form if I want to do something in Illustrator which requires really fine control or if I need to put on my wrist brace. That said, I’ve yet to take full advantage of all the buttons. Particularly the horizontal

-You cant play games offline.”

All we need now is for Jack Thompson to crawl out from whatever rock he died under, and start hearing how Dungeons and Dragons is Satanic, and it’ll be just like ‘the good old days.’

“You know he didn’t design it otherwise it would look like something like this, inside and out.” 

The thing I’ve been seeing lately is that people—lead by the orange shit gibbon—have decided that ‘not proven true’ means the same thing as ‘disproven.’  

“During the roast on Comedy Central no one was allowed to mention how much money he was actually worth.”

And apparently he tried to rewrite a couple jokes that DID mention he was filthy rich by adding a few extra zeroes to the number, making him seem filthier-rich. 

I love—I LOVE—the idea of hearing someone cry ‘socialist billionaires’ on Fox News for the first time!  Like ‘Communist Socialists’ that I heard one asstwat say.