Guy DudeBroMan

And indeed some of us were demanding his tax returns precisely *because* we suspected there might be some shady Russia connections in there, given his campaign-long blowjob of Putin. This before the evidence of Russian-linked hacking attempts of several States, back when Drumpf was still shrieking about ‘the system

Every time I see a WWJD sticker, I answer outloud, “I picture him in a ‘Cuda, myself.”

Pretty sure it released before Homeworld 2, even though HW2 doesn’t really reference it in any way other than to acknowledge Kith Somtaaw.

This is probably the best use of that joke, ever.

Her: “I still see, like, a young professional-slash-weekend warrior. With the whole, like, ‘business in the front, party in the back.’”

Me: “A mullet. You just described a mullet.”

Assuming I did my math right, that’s $435.5 million after 8 years, just in travel, if he continues at this rate.

I’ve sensed a great disturbance in the Force, as if a bellowing loudmouth from a distant city suddenly cried out, “Challenge accepted.” He’ll have Bush beat by this time next month. It’s about the only skillset he has any competence in.

God help you! That’s an excellent approach. Two days of arguing with greys on Gizmodo on the “Shaq flat earth” article has made me seriously reconsider the money and time I’ve spent on my physics degree.

This last couple days has *really* made me re-think all the time and cash I’ve spent trying to wrap up my physics degree. I should have just stuck with making it all up, it would have been way cheaper and apparently just as effective.

Step one; find a friend that lives in a different time zone than you do. Ideally, one of you is on the Eastern US and the other is in the Western US, or even further (like one in Europe). Step two; if you can’t find such a friend, then find a local friend, and one of you travel to a different time zone, as above.

That’s what I figured they did. They used to visible just beyond Neptune’s orbit originally, so I wondered if they cut the detection range way down. Seems like Advanced Discovery Scanners should detect those, though. One of these years, I really hope they let us plot custom destinations via direct coordinate entry.

You know, I found these in the pre-Horizons days, without much fuss. But I went back a month or so ago and couldn’t locate them anymore. Have they removed them? Or am I just looking in the wrong arc?

My parents are two such people. I’d love to tell you *why* they are two such people, but for the life of me I don’t understand it either. And we’ve practically stopped talking entirely since November because I keep asking them and keep challenging them to explain why they think this Muppet was a good idea, and how

“It appears many can’t deal with losing.”

Show of hands, how many people here were on the ballot? *Voting* for someone that lost isn’t the same thing as ‘losing,’ any more than voting for the morlock that won makes you a ‘winner.’

No, it was definitely an AI. You see a standard AI bounty hunter squawk in the Comms panel just before the POV jumps out, and there is a contact pip on his scope, on his tail, as he jumps out. Solid pip on the contact scope, meaning AI (hollow pips are players). The player IS in a wing with someone, but I didn’t see

“Didn’t I just tell you to stop making up animals?!”

Chip: “Whoever you are, you should seriously reconsider your life choices. [...] If this is your job, quit it. If it’s a hobby, find something better to do.”

Chip, whoever you are, you should seriously reconsider your life choices. If this is your job, quit it. If it’s a hobby, find something better to do.

I was working at a print shop that had a lot of self-service copy machines available for customers to use. Needless to say, when the shop's electricity was out, there was pretty close to zero business we could conduct until the power was restored. During one such outage, I was standing outside the door to prevent

Yeah, but the 'test' is going to return a whole bunch of data, too. It's not just a matter of making sure things work, they want to know to what extent they work, particularly stuff like the radiation shielding capacity. They're going to be pouring over the telemetry from this launch for months.

They're just now getting to the point of trying to generate a warp field in a laboratory. Microscopic ones. Not sure how far out that project is slated for off the top of my head though.