
And anyone who breaks out that old chestnut clearly wasn’t alive at the time. It was the late 90s, the same time as the Attitude Era, Jerry Springer, and countless tit-centric cable shows like The Man Show and Wild On. South Park was new. Fox imploded a Vegas hotel to ring in a new year. MTV was also a skinfest, like

He is the one.

Then this the perfect game for you or people in the future,

Not an entry but I laughed

Here is mine.

Only in virtual reality can one really dance the Dance of Life...

good luck for the reviewer because there are already a lot of challengers, and not only on Kotaku.

I was ready for this.


Does anyone else not give a shit about these 343 Halo games? I gave 4 a shot, it was ok. I won’t be playing 5. It’s kind of sad, I had like 5500 Halo 3 multiplayer games played and almost as many in Reach.

Man, he’s gonna be pissed when someone reads this article to him.

Damn right it did. Especially if you were 15 and the internet wasn't a thing.