Wait a minute, none of these even mention Jesus. Not Once! This is war, and we won’t give up until every coffee cup in America is adorned with a very bloody Jesus on a cross.
Wait a minute, none of these even mention Jesus. Not Once! This is war, and we won’t give up until every coffee cup in America is adorned with a very bloody Jesus on a cross.
You definitely can cancel your year sub and even a fully prepaid subscription. I just got a refund for the bablance of two memberships for my wife and I. Just call customer service.
Single, childless, male, renter, earning more than $49K a year with student loans payed off. I seem to be right in the dead zone of not being eligible for a single tax credit/deduction. I can run through Turbo Tax in 10 minutes flat!
Can we pleeeaase start the impreachment preocess now?! I have family who lost two homes yesterday.
Spot on article, but that title is just racist.
Are you allowed to just live stream interrogate people? If someone is following me around asking me questions and live streaming me I’m going to feel pretty inclined to take their phone away from them.
It’s people like this that make me genuinely beleive we have too much freedom. A judge should be alloud to throw this out while charging him for everyone’s time and enegery. Should literlly bankrupt him for life. All over a few dollars of really shitty ice cream.
I think abortion jokes can be very funny. Her’s were great.
I experienced this over the weekend. “Turn right at the 7-11.” It was odd and everyone in the car joked about it but ultimately thought it was pretty stupid.
Some really great ideas right here! I tried egg bites last week with limited success. Would love to see your take on them. However I also have a good amount of pork belly in my freezer that I’m eager to toss in the bath. And then there’s creme brulee, my oldest love.
I would never in a million years consider my server’s financial needs while I am considering if I want to split an entree. I’ve read this and I still won’t. You go out to eat, you order what you want to eat, you tip.
Probably better that he’s dead.
I’m glad to see this type of change. These types of return policies are bad for the general consumer. When retailers are eating the cost of 5 to 10 year old products that are returned those costs will get passed along to you the customer.
I’ll vote again for the Juice Lucy, as I’d love to try that, but I feel so much more confident when I see you try it first!
I would actually like to see the opinion of the commenters here. Is this the type of chair a gamer really desires? The range of movement in the arms seems limited and there is no padding on the arms. The seat and back themselves look very thin on padding and design wise it’s the same as almost every other “gamer”…
I’m gonna go for the burger, because I want to try the same!
That’s what I came here to say. They missed #1.
So here’s another queston. What about items shipped to me that that are addressed to someone else? Obviously, if you get your neighbor’s package but it is shipped to your address you should hand it over, but are you required to legally?