
Fun fact: back in the ‘50s it seemed like nuclear power was the answer to everything. The model PM-2A reactor at Camp Century was rated at 2 megawatts, and also produced steam used to heat the camp and melt ice for water. It used 93% enriched Uranium 235, and was air-cooled with a heat exchanger (“air blast coolers”

But Juicy Juice tasted like unripe cherries, sadness, and death. Ecto Cooler was like sucking off angels.

Ah, asshole and troll. Excellent! Though now that I think about that, troll would imply asshole, so that is kind of redundant.

You think gay is a pejorative. Guarantee you are at least twice the asshole anyone using these boards is.

Well, I would say it can do for books what Starbucks did for coffee, but burning books is frowned on.

Norbs, buddy, c’mon. Just don’t click on these articles.

I’m so disappointed that I dismissed Enterprise early on (like, midway through the pilot) and didn’t revisit until a decade later - it turned out to be one of the best of the series.

And anyone who breaks out that old chestnut clearly wasn’t alive at the time. It was the late 90s, the same time as the Attitude Era, Jerry Springer, and countless tit-centric cable shows like The Man Show and Wild On. South Park was new. Fox imploded a Vegas hotel to ring in a new year. MTV was also a skinfest, like


Ok you win, only because my attempt to find good crow pictures may result in a murder.

That's a lot of stars you got there bud.

He is the one.

Not an entry but I laughed

Only in virtual reality can one really dance the Dance of Life...