Fairly certain Britain recolonized France after the Eugenics Wars.
Once you hear the sound effect DJO slapped on this Picard'ism, episode rewatches are never the same:
On Voyager, he gets his lungs stolen. (!)
My boyfriend of four years sent me your article and said to me, "Hey, this sounds like you."
Sarah Connor Chronicles started making more sense when they acknowledged that the time travelers were often coming from different timelines.
This has more plot than the original Destiny storyline.
Straight-man Worf is the best Worf.
"Comfortable chair."
I love how they believed in each other. A great example is when Picard gave command of the ship to Wolf to get some Klingons from the past that thought they were still at war with the Federation to back down.
That's how you avoid long-range headshots: dance off!
This actually creep'd me out, too many dogs, not enough cooks!
Perhaps for the toyline. They use the "Power Rangers" business model as I call it where they reinvent them selves every year or so to keep sales going. But in the world of Transformers comic books they have two comics going side by side that have been going for several years now, and both of them feed off of a…
The War for/Fall of Cybertron games represented so much awesome possibility coming together, and then <snap>, gone, just like that.
I agree with a lot of your points, Jason (seriously, putting better-than-VoG gear on a vendor was a terrible move), but I swear, sometimes I feel like I'm taking crazy pills when people complain about your gear increasing your level. It's literally the EXACT SAME THING as an item level in any other MMO. All Bungie did…
Pussys are only an invh and a half away from ass holes.
It already has an unconventional lightsaber.
A little bit better than Savage Opress, at least.