
I'm in the same boat, I'm jonesing for some fries badly right now. Its 10am and I brought a lunch to work... :-(

This is over 5 years old.

I just wish women would realize that they're always wrong because of their hormones. Arguments between men are no big deal.

Same boat here, FireFox is where its at.

Wow, I'm truly mesmerized.

Right here folks. Trader Joe's b12 sublinguals. Two under the tongue before you start drinking, two after, maybe even some while you're drinking if its a long night/day. Then two when you wake up.

Awesome, thank you!

Does anyone have any other desktop quality pics of the Great Wall of China? The one here doesn't look very great imo.

Their expansion is still months and months away...

You said "he doesn't commend Sterling's statements, and rightly states that his first amendment was violated. He did absolutely nothing wrong."

Thank you! This apparently needs to be posted more around here. I'm kind of shocked at this community's ignorance right now.

You should seriously refrain from using the constitution in an argument, because its very very clear you don't understand said constitution.

Lol, Baby elephants are such cute little idiots.

Same with Brock, that guy was like 29 when he met Ash.

If you're one of the hand full of people who are excited for this game I should earn you. Its being developed by TinyCo, a small mobie game company thats known for their terrible customer service and incredibly under supported and glitchy games. This game will have micro transactions, don't spend your money.

I feel ya on that one. I love me some Honey Crisp apples but damn do they add up quick in price if you buy more than 1.

I actually think its pretty absurd that its not back already. I've had to go through most of the computers in my office as well as all of my parent's computers and add in 3rd party start menus. Its not a huge deal for many users but a huge swath of users went from XP to W8 and the transition is tough for them.

Its a Clone Commando from the game Star War Republic Commando.

Everything about this article makes me sad.

Wow that was a real piece of shit thing to say.