
Thank you! This apparently needs to be posted more around here. I'm kind of shocked at this community's ignorance right now.

You should seriously refrain from using the constitution in an argument, because its very very clear you don't understand said constitution.

Lol, Baby elephants are such cute little idiots.

Well I'm not going to any of these places this summer. Any recommendations for the LA/Orange County Areas?

Same with Brock, that guy was like 29 when he met Ash.

If you had a bunch of cassette tape players, you would realize that some put the cassette in tape side up and some tape side down, I remember constantly fumbling that throughout my childhood.

Uhg Neelix, that guy is pretty much Proto-Jar Jar, color scheme and everything! And no ever questioned him about having a 1 year old girl friend!?!

Definitely World War Z. Would make a GREAT TV mini series, but the story has too much depth and too many characters to make a movie unless you were to completely butcher the concept until its no longer even related to the book.

You know Monster-brand is the best, because it costs 27 times more than all the other brands!

If you're one of the hand full of people who are excited for this game I should earn you. Its being developed by TinyCo, a small mobie game company thats known for their terrible customer service and incredibly under supported and glitchy games. This game will have micro transactions, don't spend your money.

Since when is Michelangelo Yellow???

I don't think their numbers are increasing, I just think that its become increasingly easier for like minded idiots to find a microphone and connect with each other.

Any app recommendations? That sounds fun.

I'm with the other guy, no one gives a fuck.

This is as valuable as an extra ass hole on my hip unless they start getting competitive with their single phone contract pricing.

I feel ya on that one. I love me some Honey Crisp apples but damn do they add up quick in price if you buy more than 1.

I actually think its pretty absurd that its not back already. I've had to go through most of the computers in my office as well as all of my parent's computers and add in 3rd party start menus. Its not a huge deal for many users but a huge swath of users went from XP to W8 and the transition is tough for them.

Its a Clone Commando from the game Star War Republic Commando.

Theres a place in my hometown of Irvine doing this. Two Ice creams with two topping cost me $20. I'm never going back there again and I left a scathing review for the Chremisty on yelp.