People will say that Halo 4 was the best or at the very lease still very Halo.
People will say that Halo 4 was the best or at the very lease still very Halo.
My mom doesn't even know what a tablet is. She's staying with the iPhone, lol.
Hey Mike, my Dad had a spinal surgery to deal with some sciatica right before thanksgiving. He's back at 100% now, so while the pain can be pretty extreme it can be fixed most of the time. Hope you're feeling better soon man.
Why do those people have beaks?
Of all the things to be outraged about. I have yet to see a group of elderly people outside my local target picketing sodastream, but if I ever do, THAT will be the day I go in and buy one, because I would get great pleasure in walking out and saying "Wow thanks for alerting my attention to this product! I went in to…
I agree that this show's taken a while to get up to snuff, but its surely not unheard of for any show to take half a season let alone multiple seasons to gets its footing. Also at this point anyone who frequents Io9 even a little knows how much this show has personally betrayed you and how much better you think Arrow…
It won't be in Black and White, they said so a while ago.
They won't. Its a movie, you usually can't stay too true to the book, not in 2 hours.
Great production design, but why didn't the military just firebomb the ape encampments early on. Its just too silly.
While that could be a fun exercise, its unnecessary, because this would already be the winner.
Pulled Pork, Pot Roast, Stews, chilies, various dips are all superior when made in a slow cooker with the right recipe.
Why? Its not like Obama turned Detroit into a third world country.
Well if makes you feel any better most of my friends do still game, quite regularly. Three of them work at Blizzard!
Hey Hey hey! We're all entitled to our opinions, but YOU WATCH YOUR TONGUE when speaking about Beast Wars!
Even that seems like a lot of work for your average consumer. Thats kind of the point I'm trying to make with this whole "But I can build it cheaper" argument. That argument can be applied to almost everything we buy in our society.
You see its like a console, but it won't play every game made for it well...
But I don't want to build one, I want to buy one already made with a warranty. So what should I do?
"it bridges the gap between consoles and PCs. All the benefits of the PC in a simpler case."
Ehh, the song was fine, and the later update just made it better.
Yeah me too, can't believe that was 15 years ago. It feels weird just to have vivid memories of things from 15 or 20 years ago!