
I don't know where in So-Cal you live, but here in So-Cal I've never heard it called anything but a gif with a hard G. The only place I've seen Jif used is when people are arguing on the internet.

This is not remotely close to what I clicked on. lol.

This cape is... too long.

Which would make today it's ... wait for it...

They're going to change nutrition as we know it? Please. People have been hawking Juice plus for decades. Its great if you want to be constantly dehydrated and constantly pee the frothiest and most deeply yellow urine you've ever seen every day.

So you're paying for a monthly email newsletter? That seems like some thing most us us would pay to stop.

Why? Did you get busy at work? Probably should have been ranked higher I know.

I'm on board with this notion. I really forced myself through a lot of NuWho because I really WANTED to like the show. Now I'm enjoying pretty much every episode but even most of nine was hard for me to watch. And I really can't stomach the older stuff.

Destiny is not exclusive to the PS4 though, its coming out on Xbox One and 360 at the same time. This beta is just coming to PS4 early.

That was a pretty rude thing to say, I think you may want to consider apologizing.

Eh, more like No Opera :-(

Back when we had to defeat King Koopa! And the word Bowser had no meaning...

My hole. It was occupied for a while a few years back, but I called the US Army and got that squatter out of there. Now it's ALL mine again!

Wow, I hadn't noticed that yet. Now I'm feeling like I got tricked.

Now I just need this option on my Xbox!

I'm shocked! I am literally dressed as Carl Sagan right now for Halloween at the office!


You're implying that Madmartlgan actually gets invited to parties.

You obviously misunderstood SoCalBro...

Yeah, I'm pretty much better than Jesus so I got nothing. I mean, yeah I've done some terrible and unspeakable things, ruins a few lives and I've left a fair amount a evidence as piles of ash. But its always been for the great good, just parts of god's plan.