"Lucas' requests were not to be ignored, that source says, leaving the developers of the re-named 1313 with a game that had backing from the man in charge but without a concrete story or characters."
"Lucas' requests were not to be ignored, that source says, leaving the developers of the re-named 1313 with a game that had backing from the man in charge but without a concrete story or characters."
That was a super racist thing to say.
I don't think anything could make DerricFin seem smarter.
You could hot box the shit out of that box.
Great article, thank you.
What a ridiculous question. Lightsaber hands down, because MAGIC WANDS ARE NOT REAL!
Did Grand Turismo ever even come out?
I got the flu earlier this year, it was one of the best times o my life. I never wanted to get better.
As I've said in the past, the only thing that could ever make Aquaman interesting is if you used his powers to grab bad guys, drag them into the ocean and just strait up drown them. Have his smile and really enjoy it, and make it something he keeps secret from the rest of the Heroes. Kinda Dexter style.
Can you think of a Halo game that had a worse multilayer experience? The player population speaks volumes. A month after release and player pop was at its lowest ever for an active Halo game, and still is.
Well if these maps were designed by the same team that made Halo 4's maps and the first map pack, then I have no doubt the will be very boring and unfun. 3 Cheers for 343i, for making the worst "Halo" game in history!
I try to think of it at the greatest COD game ever made. But I hate COD, so Halo 4 is awful and no fun for me.
Probably not, its still not a fun game, they pretty much haven't changed a thing.
Could look good, its just too bad that Halo 4's Multiplayer isn't any fun and 343i seems unable to make good maps.
After an awful and un-fun play session of Halo 4 this morning, this is the best news I could have ever asked for! Can't wait to see more from Bungie on this.
Where do you live? I'd be happy to give you a ride some time!
Whaaaat? I pick up hitch hikers ALL the time! Most of the time, these people don't even WANT a ride, they say, no no I'm already in my home, so I just put tape in their mouths and put them in the trunk. But once we get to Disneyland or Kripy Kreme they usually don't mind.
While bug fixes and weapons balancing are expected, its pretty clear that all of the dropped features will not be making a return, I think Gearbox will do the same. Enough patching to keep it afloat, but its just not worth the development time to them to truly fix the game.
Thats kind of what the Halo community has been hoping for from 343i, but it really looks like its not going to happen for either game.
You sound like a bad friend.