
The south would be more proactive about fighting this, but since they either can't or don't read, they really have no idea whats going on. Sooner or later Faux News will let them know whats happening.

I see your point. But that my child is why me must pray, pray the sinful Brusels sprouts away... that is, after we eat them, of course.

sub-sub-sub-humans would have also been a correct answer.

I think it would be best for everyone if you just don't have children, they won't be safe in our morally bankrupt society, and society will probably be better off with less smurphages running around dumbing up the place.

I could go into details but everyone else thoroughly disproved your opinion, so I'll just go with, nope, you're wrong.

You sir, are smarter than the OP.

You can go buy cheaper insurance if you'd like.

I read this whole article, and all I got out of it is that theres really not a very good reason to Jailbreak your phone.

No, you see thats because society taught you to think its gross and scarring. If you start doing it in front of your children at a young age, they'll realize its natural and 100% unarguably normal.

Your stepmom sounds like a judgmental bitch, like me.

I'm not going to beat around the bush when I have kids. My wife and I will sit down with them, show the kids our junk, have some sex and then field questions. Its exactly what my parents did for me and I'm a perfectly adjusted member of society with a worldview thats the same as every other schmuck.

Oops, wrong blip...

Seriously, you can start feeling bad once all of the tens of thousands of children have been un-raped.

You have to remember that its the people at the top who are covering this up, but its the church leaders all throughout the smaller communities that are raping our children without remorse. Its the whole institution thats corrupt.

Dude, its SUPER sandy in Egypt. Haven't you seen The Mummy or The Mummy 2? Sandy as all hell.

You nailed it. They're trying to apply modern day values to Iron Age ideals. Its like dipping your Matzo in motor oil.

Don't bother if there are no transformers, :-P

If women didn't want to be hit on at the gym, they wouldn't wear heels while walking on the treadmill.

Awesome, just awesome.

Thats a reasonable complaint, I was mostly referring to your issue with tips being lifehacks.