
So all this joking among people who KNOW the earth wasn't going to end today isn't very fun or entertaining. What I want to see today are the people who REALLY thought it was all over today. I want you bloggers out there on the street and in the basements bringing the crazies to light so that we not insane people can

I was so pissed listening to this cunt rag on NPR this morning. So fucking out of touch. Calling on the violence of Mortal Combat and movies like Natural Born Killers which came out in like 1992. He spent all that time blaming every fucking thing possible, everything except guns. You know the objects that killed 26

Right?!?! I wish Chaplin had never existed, because his photo is just that scary.

I've heard that when a Hipster dies their Mustache keeps growing!

Always remember, if you're so inclined that you are always a hop, skip, and jump away from the top of a tall building. I however will be enjoying life with my fiance, going to Comic-Con, spending Christmas with close family, seeing new awesome Sci-Fi movies, pwning the noobs in Halo 4 and going to the gym every few

I would be willing to pay twice the amount of what they're asking if I knew that it would make you EVER MORE MAD!!!

I'd say the Death Star. Obviously Superman SHOULD be able to simple dodge the giant laser beam and fly strait through the DS's core, BUT Superman often find himself in bad situations when he SHOULD have easily avoided them. So yeah, Sups would get blasted and die and everyone wins.

Yeahhhhhh yes.

Yeah that makes two of us. I also though I had accidentally skipped back a few paragraphs a few times.

What was wrong with the 5? I haven't heard any complaints. Just curious.

Well that depends, are you a man or a women?

Women with body hair is GROSS! Thats why I only date chicks with severe alopecia.

You're right, we shouldn't eat Chick-Fil-A.

Dude, I bet the chicks dig your sword.

Nothing you said here makes any of that okay. You do know that, don't you?

I see what you were trying to do, but in fact, BSG did not originate life on earth.

Hmmm, should I mourn the loss of 20 to 30 members of the WBC JUST as much as I would the loss of innocent children and their teachers?

You ruin gaming websites for the rest of us.

All the best Link Cosplay is done by women.