
I find the mere concept of After School Satan delightful. I think I legit giggled when I first heard about it.

I don’t think a trans man is going to be peeing in a urinal or a trough without some serious maneuvering.

It’s not as if a gay man has never had a one night stand and conceived a child with a woman. That happens, like, all the time. I disagree with George here.

Oh my god, this series’ music was so fantastic. 2 was definitely the overall best, but I even loved the weird-ass noise-funk from the 3rd one. I’d love a “Best Videogame Music” list.

It is set between III and IV, but III comes after IV chronologically, so it’s like IV, V, III. Weird phrasing.

Exactly. I’m a Sanders supporter but god damn it if I’m gonna let Drumpf in the White House door. I’ll take a million Hillaries over one cheeto-dusted baby hand.

Hate to tell you, but that cigar is gold.

Three fourths of Taylor Swift drama is invented by bloggers. It gets to the point that I roll my eyes whenever she’s even mentioned here.

Parker got a job at a start up tech company. When he died and Doc Ock took over his body, he made Parker a ton of money on inventions that was used to create his own tech company.

Booty 14 Day Detox, huh? I wish the US had half as much fun with brand names.


I think Derrick must have learned alot about herself afterwards. Like Bob said, much of what was wrong with Derrick obviously stemmed from insecurity. I really liked that moment when Naomi reached out to Derrick (and let him be bitchy one more time); I honestly think that was the first time she’d ever really blocked

I do the same thing, but yeah, it’s “bee”. She’s Queen Bey, she’s got a Bey Hive, etc.

You might say people who play those kinds of games are SKEVey.

Her performance on RuCo’s Empire was as good as Betty’s and she didn’t have an easily exploitable schtick. I don’t really think she’s a top three queen but she has personality.

Chad Michaels would have words with thee.

Derrick is a Britney impersonator. Why is it bad that he did so for Snatch Game? Even Michelle Visage gave her props, the woman who’s been on his case the entire season.

The funny thing is, that pic is from when the Warriors go home.

Uh, wait, what? So now open world RPG with some modern elements and cultural touchstones = Fallout? Okay. You do realize that while this gif is in a desert area, the previous demo was in a lush wooded zone with lakes and a normalish, working, highway? And that other videos showed the characters in a bustling

Really? I joined it for free.