I basically said I was strongly opposed to the bill since it will cost more for less coverage and cut Medicaid and that I was also extremely concerned about the secretive process the 13 male senators used to write it.
I basically said I was strongly opposed to the bill since it will cost more for less coverage and cut Medicaid and that I was also extremely concerned about the secretive process the 13 male senators used to write it.
PA PEOPLE: toomey’s Allentown office is taking calls: (610) 434-1444
Indeed! Casey needs to show us he’s doing his damnedest to oppose the Orange One and his cronies.
We have fucking Toomey for another 6 years D: We need to focus on getting Casey reelected in 2018.
“Stuff You Missed In History Class” has some really great episodes! And if you like crime stuff, there are some good (and creepy) unsolved mysteries that you can find in their archive.
Every day I wake up to news that literally takes my breath away, have similar experiences throughout the day, and then end the day in much the same way. So, so outraged, and so, so sick of all of this bullshit.
Omg. I’m so sorry. Their gaslighting tactics are just about as infuriating as their actions themselves. It really is astounding.
Sounds like we spoke with the same person...
Just called the committee and the staffer interrupted me to say that the chairman is not threatening to shut down the OGE.
Love watching Heather but damn does she like to gas-light other women. And then when she kissed Meghan on the cheek and said she was sorry piece-of-trash Kelly (sitting right there!) ruined the trip... Major points for shameless digs.
Yes! Although Heather’s reenactment of it was some of her best acting yet.
We really need to talk about how LIVID Heather was at being kicked out of the department store. I thought her eyes were going to pop right out of her head. Her disbelief at having experienced such a travesty was by far the highlight of the episode for me.
Omg this week I totally had a dream that I met Rosie in an elevator and tried to play it cool by saying “Go Hillary!” The end.
Ding ding ding! You called it! Just read a fb comment (written by a friend of a friend) saying “Trump means well and hopefully he can be coached on this by veteran Dr. Ron Paul. On the other hand, Hillary doesn’t seem to care about veterans at all.” Part of me wanted to scream that his “on the other hand” doesn’t work…
Her best line last night: we’re eating on paper plates tonight because I don’t feel like doing dishes.
Agreed. Also it’s weird but I just watched this Murder She Wrote episode tonight...
I felt the same way. It troubled me.
Confession: For some reason I find him hot in The Departed. I still can’t explain it.