
Playing devil's advocate here, but maybe that's because Saudi Arabia is a medieval civilization that is able to reject modernization due to its oil fortune.

So we should ignore broad civil rights violations and gender-based discrimination just because it's "their culture"? Where do you draw the line? I guess we should ignore racial or ethnic genocide in other countries because that's just "the culture," right?

The general nature of an aircraft means people are in close proximity to each other so if your beliefs are in conflict with it then either deal with it the best you can or get off and use another mode of transport. I hear cruises are lovely these days and you have your own room and can sit and mix with whoever you

I applaud this decision. In fact there should be separate flights for men and woman. As a gay man, I look forward to a lady-free sausage flight.

The airline in question has stated that this rumor is "false" and "a fabrication."

Hopefully this poor guy will find love. In prison.

Analyzing PCAPs (packet captures), capping pps (packets per second), bandwidth usage by user, connection encapsulation, blocking known botnets, blacklisting IPs (if they aren't being spoofed).

Because microsoft used mcafee to murder it

fuck that, you see those fingers? those gnarly arthritis induced fingers represent that he has experience hacking and furious typing. jail for life for this despicable criminal.

As Inquisitor, I sentence you to tranquility. (no internet access for 1 year)

As the managing attorney for the beardy in the lead photo, I wish to point out that my client has had no association with any "Squad" in the past, nor does he maintain one at this time.

That he is a lizard should be self-evident—but my client maintains that he does not now, nor has he ever been able to operate a

No we definitely do this, AT&T is actually pretty good to us, and their scrubbing does a lot to mitigate attacks. But we do have to actually get off our asses and call them, they won't initiate it. Though we do provide them with quite a bit of money. But here is kinda an overview of what they do: (hopefully other

RE: 'Call up your bandwidth provider and give them IPs to find out where the traffic is coming from'- Good luck with that. It won't happen unless you somehow scored the most magical unicorn of SLAs with your ISP. Most likely, they'll blackhole traffic to YOU to protect their other customers. That's the only realistic

You can track where the data is coming from and your good data vs bad data, but it all depends on the services you use. With something like RPC it's easier to catch bad requests and drop them on the floor. Example if someone comes to a server and requests something but you have no register of that user you can ignore

Thanks for your reply. It makes the process much clearer.

Ah. So,if it had been .exe, you would not have downloaded it, I'm guessing.

Actually you can tell good traffic from bad traffic by base-lining users/applications. Botnet behavior stands out once you've identified how an application is supposed to perform. ie: nobody is going to amazon and searching "sneakers" 100x a minute. You have to have the right tools and the right people using them, of

If your router that controls your network is barraged by gigabyters per second of bad data and a little bit of good data then there is no easy way for the bad data to be quickly picked out. You have to slowly (by computer standards) go through the data, sift out what is known good and pass it on...but you probably

That's if they're flooding only your website with invalid traffic.

Oh cool, I'll send this to the random-ass twelve year old kid who threw a tantrum in my IRC channel the other day. He might learn something. (Probably not, I got the feeling that reading...and thinking...aren't really his strong suits.)