I think people that keep saying this game is nothing like SF IV don't understand the process of making a 3d game.
Who ever made that gif, well done. It's a perfect loop. You can feel proud of yourself.
At this point aren't they slightly screwed with SF? I mean, if they make any changes to the fundamentals, they're going to generate a huge internet firestorm from the very people who buy the games - it would be like changing Madden or some other such established paradigm. Madden at least has the excuse of updating…
This fight has to happen at some point. I'm not trying to be dramatic, but this is literally the only fight that would even matter. Money and Pacquaio could rejuvenate the sport.
Looking forward to Goodell appearing on Celebrity Jeopardy and being unable to phrase his responses in the form of a question and changing his Final Jeopardy wager after the fact.
I got you beat... I met Carrot Top once... After watching his show. Yes I was drunk.
Gawker couldn't even be bothered to go outside to view protests they were reporting on. If it's not emailed to them or on Reddit, they're not going to find it.
"I worked there...no, they didn't fire me. I quit. I was simply working there so I could study them."
I work a couple blocks away from CNN Center... That's basically the same thing, right?
Yes. Yes it is a metaphor. He is essentially stating that someone shitting on the floor is similar to someone working in the news industry. A comparison not using "like" or "as"...you know, a metaphor. Do you think grammar is a game?
Ya know, I read that comment earlier and thought the author might actually be citing something mined on Gawker. (Same with the email; was posted to the prior story in the comments section.) But no. Weird how that worked out.
You're doing the lord's work here, Graby. Thank you.
The only thing in college I remember anyone agreeing with him on was when campus dining halls at the Claremont Colleges (I went to Pomona) started doing things like getting rid of trays to cut down on food waste. I believe that was the time they may have even started encouraging students to cut out meat one night a…
Especially considering that his entire career is accusing people of things without getting their point of view.
I was going to accuse him of applying his own pubic hair to his face, but I decided to follow up with him beforehand.
I read this quote in a Zach Galifianakis character voice.
I'll tell you what. There is some good-ass kinja to be had re: Chuck shitting on the floor one time over at Gawker.
You may not accuse me of racism, sexism, blah blah-ish without asking me for my point of view first. I may or may not choose to give it to you.