
I think that "Camilla Bowl" is called a bidet.

People don't realize how much work this takes. First you have to mine the bits, then make them into commands, then into objects, then routines, and then a game. If you are not determined, you shouldn't even start.

I concede.

Those commentators seem knowledgeable, but they must have dressed themselves.

No. Her thighs keep getting bigger.

Gallagher is a franchise. Meeting Gallagher is like meeting Shamu or Lassie. Which Gallagher did you meet?

That was my thought. I would like to bet on this "sport".

Wait. Am I missing something? Many of those guys play "offensive positions", don't they? Offensive linemen, offensive backs... isn't it their job to be offensive?

I work with a lot of women. I think that women "do more" and are responsible for "more". I see it most during the holidays.

Tell me it ain't so, PewDiePie.

I just thought Elizabeth McGovern couldn't act. It never occurred to me that her character was intentionally bad. I'm going to have to rethink this.

No. You missed the well researched article about how "eating booty" is of the now. The implication is that Jeter is the hipster kitty of paraphilia, trying to be current but not having the range to really strike out into the sexual Avant-Garde.


They only frisk half of him.

I'm sorry that he didn't respect the fact that you've turned an anachronistic children's folkway into a money-grubbing adult obsession.

Haterade has all the bile and salt, but much less sugar.

Oh, fuck off. Jeter is a baseball god.

There is only one Pokemon who could be asked to comment on the situation. When asked, Meowth said, "I didn't realize they would have dogs. Jesse and James didn't say anything about dogs."

He uses his f-pack to hold dog treats for journalists.

It seems like even they can't spin the reality too far, at least they admit the police have been "heavy-handed."