
Did not mean to reply In your thread. I'm on my iPhone. And thanks!

Hi All, I'm the Drag Queen server and if you have any questions just ask. But I would like to reply to the gentleman who said I was extorting money from them. We get paid an hourly wage that's waaay below minimum something like $3 an hour. Tips are how I make my money period. I asked for $10, this after they had 6

Never trust a person with the name Catnado

It would only work if she were concurrently filimg a scene for Game of Thrones. So I say Nay

UM screw the article, can we get the name of the guy in the stock photo??

That green number is everything

Jehovah's Witnesses dress bettter than mormons.

Why yes I am accepting new Boyfrined application, I will need a credit report and your immunization recrods

You are a fucking asshole, I have been an Audra fan since day one. But I applaud your trolling attempt I really do

Are you saying "you" to me specifically or "you" to the general populace. On both accounts you are wrong. She won an Emmy for "wit" , was on 4 Seasons of Grey's Anatomy Spinoff Private Practice and won 6 Tonys. If you are an uncultured, trolly pig then I can see why you may have never heard of her, cause your too

All of you stop complaining about Jimmy's "schtick" , who cares it Audra "mother fucking" McDonald. That's good enough for me.

For all of you who are commenting on punctuation instead of a nice gesture, you have my heartfelt sympathy. I have also contacted the local quarry in your area and they are insterested in chipping away at your stone heart's. OH and any gramar and's punctuatuon errors in this post are intentional,just's to piss you

Creating a category for transmen and transwomen , sounds awfully segregated to me. They are who they identify as. Do we really need to separate them? NO

While I am personally against "sextng"pics back and forth (they always come back to haunt you). Can I play devil's advocate for a second: the original article stated he was her boyfriend. Was her mother aware they were together? there are alot of questions, Though I don't think a 17 year old should be sexting a 15

I want to be a thrupple with them, they are so adorable

Stay away from Douchey Trollers, you can have a lovely and happy life on Gawker without. Come back to the five and dime Nom Nom, Nom Nom

Who knows what basis Time uses for influential? It could be that maybe she is viewed as influential in the area of Human Rights? I don't know what criteria Time uses, but let's not discount an individual so quickly. A Scientist can be influential in their line of work, but may not be at say politics. It would be

I in no way took it as a criticism of your supporty for the LGBTQ community. What I am saying is that most rational thinking people can separate a persons actions from the minority they belong to. The catholic church is different, people are disillusioned becuase men who run the church and looked to as examples said