
Truly living for everyone’s Zoomn etiquette, however let’s just be smart about this: No Nude on Zoom or you will meet your Doom.  I mean seriously, when in any kind of meeting, clothes, plain and simple.

I had the surgery 6 years ago and not one regret. Good luck whatever you decide, make sure it’s your decision!!!

Being fat is not a choice. As one who’s parents are heavy, grandparent’s were heavy etc I can state that. I had been heavy most of my life, I have seen numerous doctor’s who have said, sure you can control some it , but a lot is based on genetics, environment etc. I tried almost every diet good or bad. I finally had

MY name is Gusty Winds and I did drag in NYC for 25 years, While I applaud anyone who does it, I have to question if people who start doing it today, do it for the love of the art or the fact that is can be a vehicle to “fame”. I started doing it cause I love the art of dressing an performing. 

I stand corrected. So in NYC it’s 8 an hour. So please go ahead and don’t tip if it’s not on the check, cause we all know 8 an hour is a completely living wage in NYC. See I admit when I am wrong, doesn’t really make your point any more valid. Here’s hoping your pancakes are frozen and not served by a waitperson

Well if they could arrest people for being assholes......

Cost of living goes up, why not tip threshhold?

The establishment does not.  In NYC, the minimum wage is lower for restaurant workers than everyone else.  What the employer “owes” and the almost every restaurant does is completely different.  So until that changes, servers rely on tips. 

I think I am in love with you.    lol

UGH, like that fucking card is going to take care of my bills.  Thanks for penalizing servers who have no say in the matter.  FYI I think all douchenozzles like you should be forced to wait tables for a month.  Until that happens please dine at McDonalds or Taco Bell, where tipping isn’t required.  I bet you eat at

If  what isn’t on the bill???   Tips aren’t listed on the bill, your wording is confusing.  My reading comprehension is just fine, it’s your understanding of a system I do not have control over. 

I pay taxes on my total sales, so if your bill is 100 and you don’t tip I pay taxes on that 100, and  since you’ve left me nothing and I make $3 an hour you just left me in the hole. That’s what taxes have to do with it

The one time in my life when I am gonna say I hate buttery pancakes.  I pay taxes on  my sales, so when you don’t tip, you’re being a complete asshole

UMMM Jenny as a waiter for over 22 years, and living in NYC 20% is standard, trust me when I say the majority of waiters make waaaaay below minimum wage.  Even with the minimum wage changing in certain areas, Service people fall  into a different category, and  get a lower rate (currently for me like $4 an hour) What

They two offenders should have been sent to a school where POC are at 98% for a month, that would be a true learning experience.  The only thing worse than a racist, is well there’s nothing worse.

Suspend? How bout transferring the two offenders to an inner city school for a month.  That would be a life lesson for them.  UGH I hate snotty racist kids

As a baker, I find Fondant absolutely vile.  Sure you can get a Snow White cake out of it.....that tastes like the poison apple.

The Williams Sisters, George Benson, Theresa Graves (Get Christy Love) and Tiffany Haddish all had JW influnces in their lives, Benson and Graves are still in I believe.  I am all knowledgeable about that Vile religion.  I have my doubts on princes strength in it.  I had the chance to speak briefly with Janet Jackson

As a former 4th Generation witness, shunned for being gay, I don’t doubt this. MY story is a miniseries

There used to be a site called it was genius