This looks weird. I approve.
This looks weird. I approve.
Is this a gimmick account? Because if so I demand Disqus give out a special tag.
Because the pink eye scene in Knocked Up loses all it's depth if you take away the cussin
Because it's supposedly how Sami Zayne actually is outside of kayfabe
It's an aesthetic that certainly works better for some things rather than others. I assume its to keep the amount they have to pay people to design these things to a minimum.
I think its something that allows a fan of something to have a little bit representation that isn't cost prohibitive in most cases. It's a lot easier for someone to shell out the $10 for one of these than say an action figure these days (if there even is an action figure).
Eh I've got a buddy that collects these and usually pays for his collection plus some by selling off the more collectible ones he comes across. I mean its more being in the right place at the right time to getting the ones people pay way too much for, like being at a convention or at Disney world the day before…
There is pea and mayo pizza out there. I don't know who that target audience is but they exist it seems.
What if they've always been hairy sacks of giblets? I'm asking for a friend
Her Theater Kid Revenge bits on Instagram were pretty great
Yeah Queen of Hel and there was that old Rawhide Kid MAX mini
Every woman I dated in college was there
I think with the foreshadowing of Batman dying, I think we're heading towards the Nolan ending for the character. At least for a bit
Because then what else would we beat?
Went to a wedding last weekend and survived. It was all my old college buddies so there was alcohol aplenty. Went well despite some awkwardness.
DK3: I borrowed the issues I was missing from a buddy and read it all in one sitting. It was better than my initial impression of the series but I don't think it's an important read. The ideas it touches upon are done better in other books and something feels off with it following either of the last 2 DK stories.
They made me believe a woman could like an anthropomorphic duck, they can work magic.
He's gotta have something to post on Marvel's Instagram for War Crime Wednesday. "Check out this dude's terrified face as I swept in low #WCW"
Did anyone read that what if Star Wars comic based off of the original script? It was a lot more than just editing that saved the film.
I did but I need to check if there's an expiration date on it since my back log suddenly got much larger and need to get through some stuff before I make a choice.