Gus Petch

This couple doesn't have kids. They have TV Kids (TM), the magical plot device that allows them to behave like a childless couple 90% of the time, but is always there when an episode needs a conflict or a cute B story.

Cavemen worried about giving women orgasms? Man, they were a lot more sensitive than I thought.

I'm saying he was complimenting *David* (the hunky homewrecker from Season 1). You see how that's a compliment to David, don't you?

This was a fine episode in a so-far fine season. I'm still fairly confident they'll destroy all the great work they've done with a stupid ending next week, but please, prove me wrong, Duplasses! (Duplassi?)

I wonder if they timed the cancellation announcement to sync with this "Zany Madcap Adventures of Tina and Michelle" episode, to soften the blow. We get the create a distraction by making an ass of yourself at an elegant party bit, the klutzy amateurs try their hand at espionage bit, and the obnoxious villain stands

Amen. And yet — all you have to do is read a few online recaps and the comments on them to see that not every viewer sees Michelle that way.

It's not just you. She's horrible, and has been from the get-go.

Agreed with your comment about Richie. But can I say something blasphemous here? I think that's Cannavale's fault. He's horribly miscast here. Everything about him — his frame, his open-mouthed facial expressions, his accent — screams "big dumb lummox." So he fit well as the psycho mobster he played on Boardwalk

Earlier on in the marriage, yeah, you have a point — maybe some more frank conversation could have helped them from falling into the rut they're in. But since the show started? I don't see lack of communication — especially about sex — as a real source of their problems. It's been clear from the get-go that both Brett

Yeah — This. Seems like Brett's biggest flaws as a person and husband stem from him communicating *too much*. His lowest points during the season have been moments when you just wanted to yell at the character to shut up:

Just some quick responses and then I'll let you have the last word if you want it.

Hey, that's my line. We're *watching* the comic book. Michelle is every bit as two-dimensional and unrealistic as the characters in Captain America, just translated into the "modern adult drama" world. She's written as the wife from hell. Self-centered? Check. Nagging? Check. Frigid? Check. Disloyal? Check.

I'll watch next week, but I feel like I'm about to join those who are giving up on this show. Their aim seems to be to replicate the "success" of Girls, where every character is an irredeemably awful person, and … that's supposed to be compelling, somehow.

Yes. And thanks for bringing up the premiere party — another example of the writers defining this character as a uniformly awful person. The husband has a social thing, and he'd like his wife to come. She instead goes off to be by herself. OK, maybe that's understandable. The lying about it and then flirting with

I'm surprised at this review and the generally positive comments. I liked the first four episodes quite a lot, but to me this one took the Melanie Linskey character over the line and made her a cartoon villain of bettydraperian proportions.