Gusi A. Rincon (garf02)

because in a lot of places imports hurt the local markets, me for instance, i've been importing my games for years, i never buy anything from local game stores, and that hurts the local business

Currently Xenoblade Chronicles and unlocking things in Game & Wario. Towards the end of the month it's Hyrule Warriors and Fantasy Life time.

Did she really disrupt game jam?

Well what did fans expect?

I see the more damming evidence is the length of the coverup that followed after.

Quinn's ex released all kinds of private conversations and screenshots in which she admits to cheating on him with five different guys. One of them being Nathan Grayson and the other four being her married boss and three other indie devs.

Insurance fraud. 'nuff said

Suing might be overboard but this shouldn't exactly be swept under the rug either. Tired of all these broken promises, I want accountability, damnit. I also would like a 1080p TV so I would have even more reasons to complain!

the monkey never signed a release.

Not long if people keep pushing for Nintendo to take this stupid route.

Oh yes, never miss an opportunity to harp on Nintendo's financials, the company with a huge cash reserve and zero debt. Meanwhile Sony is has been bleeding billions every year for awhile now and is drowning in debt, not a peep about that.

To be perfectly honest, I doubt that third parties at this point will really start supporting the console even if it starts turning a profit. I reckon we will just get a repeat of last gen; first they complain about how the hardware hasn't moved enough units to warrant development for them and then they will complain

Father was part of the group involved in the original research. Has daughter do same experiments, claims it's new, and gets media attention for her "discovery." Meanwhile, the guy who actually made the discovery is ignored. Thus fuss.

thats great and all but come on.. this used to be a tech blog. Its turning into buzzfeed :/

"One giant bitchslap for mankind."

Who is this Voltron you speak of? I think we already have the super science ninja assemblage pretty well covered.

Argentina, Brazil... who cares? Right?